Grade 3 Update & Reminders


It has been a busy week for our grade 3s! They have completed three out of four of their NAPLAN tests. The students have completed the Writing, Reading, and Conventions of Language tests. On Monday next week, they will be doing their last test which is Numeracy. 

There will be catch up sessions offered between Monday 20th of March and Friday 24th of March.



Final payment for Camp Oasis is due on Monday the 1st of May. Please refer to the Camp Oasis Compass event for more information.



For students who are not attending camp, there is a non-campers excursion to YMCA Leisure City which will be held on Tuesday 30th of May. Full payment for this excursion is due on Thursday the 6th of April. 

There are limited spots available for this excursion and we will be unable to exceed this number. 

Please refer to the Non-Campers Compass event for more information.


 Grade 3 Team