
Library Kinder Visits

This week we had visits from our local Preschools, Hunt and Crossways, in the library. 

The library was a flurry with storytime, colouring activities, a little snack and a play in our beautiful Tilley Garden. It was lovely for some of our future Preps and friends to explore our library space. We cant wait to welcome them back again for some more exciting activities.

Author’s Spotlight


Each month in the Library we spotlight a famous Author. This month is another one of our favorite authors… Anh Do!! Author of some of our favourite series in the St James library such as   Weirdo, Ninja Kid, Wolf Girls.  


Anh Do has captivated children all over the world with this award winning tales.  Come join us in the library to find one of his great stories and discover the fascinating world of Anh Do. Look out for what author we spotlight next month!!

Library Upgrade!

In keeping with the changes we are making throughout our beautiful school, the library is also getting a little facelift!


This week we had Natalie Jarvis come in and transform some of our areas to engage our readers. 

Thanks Nat and the team at Electric Confetti!!  I am sure there will be some requests for some of the very cool lights we have in the library for birthday presents this year!


As well as more books and more learning areas for our students to use, we are creating a little space to cosy up and read and this is where we need our St James Families help!


Do you have a sofa, pot plants, 2 x armchairs and/or some clean rugs in good condition, that you no longer need and would be happy to part with? 

If so please send though photos to Mrs Joplin

We would obviously love a donation however if this is not possible but you can help in anyway, please let us know.


Thank you for helping us improve our library and make it an inviting and welcoming space to encourage a love of reading!



Mandi Joplin

Teacher Librarian