Student Leaders 

News & Awards 

Mrs Antonella

Ignation Award for Community: N/A


Student Class Awards (From Assembly Last Week)

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep CM 



GGAlways trying her best in class and helping others. You are a great friend GG! 

1 / 2 MB



Jennifer For always persisting with challenging tasks and trying hard to improve her reading. Well done Jennifer!

1/2  RT



JyrusFor his enthusiasm during class and for always sharing his thoughtful and creative ideas.

1/ 2  UR


IsabellaFor always having a go at new activities and trying her best.

3/4 MG



Marco For working very hard to improve all his learning skills- particularly his reading and writing.  Well done!

3/4 TR



An LFor wonderful writing using colourful semantics.

5/6  FA



Eden TBeing a caring and welcoming boy in the class.

5/6 BOC



Catie Thank you Catie for showing diligence and perseverance with your tasks. We see how hard you are working and are proud of your commitment to your learning. Well done, Catie!

Visual Arts - Ms Low-



Amelia V 1/2UR For always working diligently and paying attention to details. Well done! 

Performing Arts- Ms Stanton



Max F

(1/2 UR) and Matthew M (1/2 RT)

For contributing fantastic suggestions for sound effects to add to their readers’ theatre piece.


Sport- Mrs Mcleary



William N

3/4 TR

For cooperating with his partner in Tennis and learning the rules and scoring for a doubles game.

Mandarin- Mr Su



Lucas G - 

Prep CM

For showing great confidence in reading out the number chant in Mandarin.

Science- Mrs Foley



Charlie T 

3/4 TR

For coming to science and being ready to learn! Keep up your enthusiasm Charlie!

Leaders and SRC Meeting Week 7


Present: Yagmur, Angus, Tie, Olivia, Liv, Amy

Absent: Douglas, Christian, Cam, Austin, Max, Amout

Date: 14/3/202

Chairperson: Yagmur

Teacher Present: Mrs Marinelli



On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 


1/2RT 6.5

1/2MB 8-9

3/4TR 8

3/4MG 8


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school been working together this week?

1/2MB 8- Because they are still learning not to call out as much

1/2RT- 7- Because they have been comforting others, and giving lots of encouragement to others

3/4TR- 8- Because some people are working together well and some people aren’t

3/4MG- 7- It’s a little lower this week because sometimes when people work together with their friends they don’t get their work done

5/6BOC- 8- Because we have been doing lots of NAPLAN practice which is great to prepare us 


Learning and events in our school this week:

1/2RT- Making Birdhouses in Science

1/2MB- Narrative Writing

3/4TR- Writing a Persuasive Text for Writing- NAPLAN practice

3/4MG- Learning about Adjectives in Literacy 

5/6BOC- International Women’s Day Poster in Inquiry

What can we improve on this week:


1/2RT- Listening and Following Instructions

1/2MB- Less talking to others when we are meant to be concentrating

3/4TR- Less talking

3/4MG- Paying attention to the teacher because people aren’t focussed


1/2RT- Being silly and not talking to friends while working

1/2MB- Remind them to not talk and to talk at lunch and snack

3/4TR- Sitting with their friends without the teacher noticing, to improve eye contact with the teacher

3/4MG- They are to excited for breaktime

On the Yard: Some issues

Climbing the slides, people running in the playground


Forgetting the rules or not listening


Why is this happening?

They really want to play or there’s no bin

People are too lazy to go to the bin


How can we solve the problems?

1/2RT- Create posters and remind people

1/2MB- Tell them to stop littering

3/4TR- Put more bins in quiet area



SRC Representative ACTIONS for this week

School Leaders and SRC  will be looking out for students ‘Caught Being Good’.

They will  be nominating students who are responsible, respectful and ready to learn. 

Discuss what these qualities look like.

Respectful - listening, waiting turn, walking through corridor quietly, greeting/speaking to people politely

Responsible - throwing rubbish in the bin, picking up rubbish, returning sports equipment, helping others, kindness

Ready to Learn - listening to the speaker, having materials ready for learning, being on time in class or at school.


IGNATION Award Nominations


1/2RT- Lilly Stone- for being a kind friend to everyone around her

1/2RT - Jyrus- For always having a smile on his face and following instructions

1/2MB - Lula-  For being a kind friend

3/4TR- Hanna- For focusing, being ready to learn and writing a good narrative

5/6BOC- Tarquin- For focusing on his own work