Student Learning

Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Principal & Learning and Teaching Leader


At Trinity, students from Prep to Year 6 are involved in engaging maths activites during our daily maths lessons. During this time the students participate in a range of 'tuning in' activities such as counting, mental computation and/or maths games. Throughout the maths lesson, there are opportuntiies for students to engage in a range of open ended problem solving activites where they may work independently or collaboratively with their peers. They may use 'hands on' concrete materials, technology, or mathematical games to explore new learning. They often record their learning on worksheets or in their Maths books. Teachers work with students throughout the lesson to explicitly teach new concepts and strategies. Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are articulated by the teachers so that the students know exactly what they are learning and how they can show success. Students have opportunities to demonstrate and articluate strategies that they have explored and learnt. Since the beginning of the year, all classes from Prep to Year 6, have been focussing on Place Value, which is a very important concept for students to have a solid understanding of before they move into learning other maths concepts.


Our Year1/2 students learning about Number and Place Value...

Our Prep students learning about 2D shapes and making shape monsters...


Over the next two weeks, the students in Years 3 and Year 5 have the opportunity to participate in NAPLAN.  NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Year 3 and Year 5 undertake annually. NAPLAN assesses the students essential skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy.  


On Wednesday this week, our Year 3 and 5 students completed the Writing Test. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week, they will undertake the Reading Test, Conventions of Language and Numeracy tests.


For more information about NAPLAN see the link below and please feel free to chat with your child's teacher or myself if you have any questions or concerns.








The NAPLAN Test Schedule at Trinity:

Wednesday 15th March - Year 3 and Year 5 Writing Test

Monday 20th March - Year 3 and Year 5 Reading Test

Tuesday 21st March - Year 3 and Year 5 Conventions of Language (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) Test

Wednesday 22nd March - Year 3 and Year 5 Numeracy Test

Parent Helper Workshop

Early next term, I will be running a parent helper workshop for parents who may be interested in helping in classrooms. The workshop will cover how you could help in your child's class. We will discuss things like - what it means to be a parent helper, confidentiality, strategies that you can use to help students with Reading, Writing and Numeracy, as well as how you can go about getting your Working With Children Check. Please mark this date in your calendar as we would love for you to come along. 

When: Wednesday 26th April, 

Where: Mezzanine

Speech Pathology for Schools: 'Speech Bubble'

Reading 'with' your child and reading 'to' your child




















Learning and Other Events at Trinity:

  • NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5 (Week 7 and 8)
  • Learning Expo (Week 10,  Wednesday 5/4 at 9am)
  • Harmony Week - Multicultural Night (Week 8 - Thursday 23/3)
  • Trinity School Fete - (Week 9 - Saturday 1/4)
  • Parent Helper Workshop (Term 2, Week 1 - Wednesday 26/4 at 9am)

If at any time you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, I encourage you to make a time to chat with your child's teacher, or to come and see me if you would like to chat about any aspect of learning at Trinity.


Kind Regards, 


Annabelle Marinelli 

Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching Leader




















































Learning Events/Opportunities in Term 1

  • NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5 (Week 7, 8 & 9)
  • Learning Expo (Week 10, Wednesday 5/4 at 9am)
  • Harmony Week - Multicultural Night (Week 8 - Thursday 23/3)
  • Trinity School Fete - (Week 9 - Saturday 1/4)
  • Parent Helper Workshop (Term 2)

If at any time you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, we encourage you to make an appointment to see your child's teacher. I am also available to chat with you at any time about the learning at Trinity.


Kind Regards, 

Annabelle Marinelli 

Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching Leader