Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,

Before I start my normal message in this week's newsletter I would like to say a huge and heartfelt thankyou for the most amazing and special birthday greeting and assembly I received this morning. Thank you for all the planning that went into it and the effort made by staff, students and families, as well as all the kind words, I truly feel very special.  How lucky am I to have the privilege to lead this most amazing school community.


Thank you all for another wonderful week at Trinity.  There always seems to be such a great buzz in the mornings, and after school as parents gather to drop off and pick up children. These opportunities for staff and parents to chat are a very important part of school life and help to build the connection between home and school. The feedback we get from parents at these times is also an essential way we can keep in touch with each family's needs and continue to improve our communication from school. 

One of the important priorities of our Annual Action Plan this year is to 'Enable staff, student and parent voice to guide thinking and practice.' 


To do this we have: 

  • appointed Ms O'Connor as our Family Engagement Leader 
  • further developed the SRC to ensure all students are involved in discussions which affect their learning
  • planned to involve parents in the review of school policies
  • planned for surveys to gain feedback relevant to the MACSSIS data which have identified areas for improvement especially in the area of family engagement.

These actions are just some of the ways we hope to achieve our goals in this area. Next year Trinity will once again conduct its four yearly whole school review. The process will provide great opportunities for us to look back on our achievements over the past four years and set new priorities and goals for future school improvement. 


School Masterplan

In 2019 a building Masterplan for the school was developed with input from staff, students and parents. Following the development of the plan an application was sought for a government grant which unfortunately, at that time, was unsuccessful. These capital grants are extremely difficult to get as hundreds of schools from all sectors apply each year.  As you would all know, costs have escalated considerably since 2019 and of course this would have a major impact on whether or not the plans continue to be viable. However, we believe it is important for us to look for ways to further improve the physical resources of the school. The first stage of the Masterplan looks at refurbishing our year 3/4 classrooms, creating new senior classrooms down one level making them more accessible and up to date as well as refurbishment to our staffroom and staff toilets. With the support of the School Board (School Advisory Council) we will once again look at our plans after lodging an application for a government grant this year. I will keep you all informed as things progress.


Speaking of community and family we had a lovely surprise on the weekend when our very own Mrs Recce and her amazing family appeared in the Age.  The story captured a wonderful family tradition which has been a part of their families story for many, many years. Read the full story HERE.

The Age Schools Summit - Disruption, resilience and new possibilities

The AGE Schools Summit will take place on 23rd March 2023 at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne.

Attended by 200+ teachers, principals and others within the education sphere, and boasting an incredible line-up of speakers.  Mrs Marinelli has been asked to speak as part of a panel around curriculum planning and I know she will share her great expertise and incredible knowledge in this area. We are very proud that she has been invited to participate in the amazing event.  To view the full program click HERE.



Our school's NAPLAN tests began this week with all Year 3 and Year 5 students completing the writing test. Next week they will complete tests in Language Conventions, Reading and Numeracy. Ms Marinelli will give further detail in her student learning page this week. 


School Fete

We are getting closer to the big day and hope you are all spreading the word about our School Fete. So much work has been done and will be done in the lead up to ensure this is a great success for our community. Stay in touch with our latest fete news by reading our School Fete Page in this week's newsletter. 


I would also like to thank the all of our sponsors who have so generously donated towards our Fete and hope that our families can acknowledge these companies and organisations through their ongoing patronage.










The Enhancing Catholic School Identity Survey (ECSI)

Thank you to the families who have already completed this survey - your efforts are greatly appreciated and valued. 



Almighty God, We give you our school. We give you all the teachers and staff who work here. We give you all the children who study here. We pray our school would be place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love. A place where every one is respected and all are deeply valued. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Community Calendar - Keep up with our important dates!


Trinity Fete -  Save the Date! Saturday 1st April 2023

Vision: To create a fun and exciting event that draws in our surrounding community with the aim of building the profile of the school, increase enrolments and showcase the great work we do at Trinity. 

From the Fete Comittee    

Trinity Parents and Friends


Bake Sale

Homebaked Goods Donation


Bake Stall Roster




Easter Raffle: April 6th 


The Age: Passata Palaver



Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues




Our school's NAPLAN tests began this week with all Year 3 and Year 5 students completing the writing test. Next week they will complete tests in Language Conventions, Reading and Numeracy. Ms Marinelli will give further detail in her student learning page this week. 


School Fete

We are getting closer to the big day and hope you are all spreading the word about our School Fete. So much work has been done and will be done in the lead up to ensure this is a great success for our community. Stay in touch with our latest fete news by reading our School Fete Page in this week's newsletter. 


I would also like to thank the all of our sponsors who have so generously donated towards our Fete and hope that our families can acknowledge these companies and organisations through their ongoing patronage.










The Enhancing Catholic School Identity Survey (ECSI)

Thank you to the families who have already completed this survey - your efforts are greatly appreciated and valued. 



Almighty God, We give you our school. We give you all the teachers and staff who work here. We give you all the children who study here. We pray our school would be place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love. A place where every one is respected and all are deeply valued. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Community Calendar - Keep up with our important dates!


Trinity Fete -  Save the Date! Saturday 1st April 2023

Vision: To create a fun and exciting event that draws in our surrounding community with the aim of building the profile of the school, increase enrolments and showcase the great work we do at Trinity. 

From the Fete Comittee    

Trinity Parents and Friends


Bake Sale

Homebaked Goods Donation


Bake Stall Roster




Easter Raffle: April 6th 


The Age: Passata Palaver



Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
