Religious Education 3/4TR

Mrs Recce

In Grade 3/4 TR we have been taking care of our ‘Well Being”.  Everything we do at Trinity is with a wellbeing focus for all students and their families.


We aim for all students to work in a calm, safe, happy and friendly school environment where students are ready to learn.


The first few weeks of school have been about settling into a consistent classroom routine, knowing the expectations and building the independence that we need to take responsibility for our own wellbeing and learning. 


We have all discussed and identified Positive Behaviours for Learning at Trinity and in Grade 3/4TR we created a class focus plan for being ready to learn. We all contributed to the plan and signed the plan to show we are all committed to respecting each other's right to learn.


In Grade 3/4TR we make a big effort to build genuine relationships and friendships between students. One way that we do this is by having “Circle Time” in our class. It is a fun way to get to know each other and build new connections with each other, our teachers and learning support officers (LSO's).


Another important part of our day at Trinity is having ‘brain breaks’.  Brain breaks are important because they allow us to have a break and re focus on being present, centred and grounded. Grade 3/4TR would like to share some of their thoughts about the importance of brain breaks.


Khanh Ha - I think brain breaks are important so I can stretch my body and then I can get back to learning.
Anthony -I think brain breaks are important because they can be stress relievers, they give your brain a rest.
Rocky- I think brain breaks are important because we do a lot of learning so sometimes we need to give our brain a rest.


The Grade 3/4TR students would like to invite everyone to have brain breaks at home. We hope you will all use this  brain break at home.