Student Leaders 

News & Awards 

Mrs Antonella


Cooper and Mila are the Social Justice Leaders for 2023.


One of their responsibilities will be to lead the Mini Vinnies Team

and work together on projects throughout the year.


The Trinity community would like to congratulate the following

Year 4 students that have made a commitment to the Mini Vinnies Team this year.

Well done to Tie, Chloe, Louiza, Anthony, Vy, Sophia, Kyla and William.


The team will be coming around to the classrooms to remind everyone to make a gold coin donation to Project Compassion. 

This is our term one focus project and to highlight the valuable work by Caritas Australia to support communities in  need. It is also a time for us all to reflect on all we have in our country and community. 

During Lent let us be grateful for what we have and be generous to help those less fortunate.


The Social Justice Leaders and Mini Vinnies Team will also represent Trinity Primary School at the Catholic Education Week Mass at St Patrick’s cathedral on Friday 17th March.


Leaders and SRC Meeting Week 6 

Present: Yagmur, Douglas, Christian,Cam, Austin, Angus, Tie, Olivia, Liv, Max, Amout 

Date: Monday 6 March

Chairperson: Christian

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella



*Great to see all leaders and SRC wearing their badges with pride

*Caught being good- a reminder for what we want to see in the yard, on the adventure playground,  lining up, outside our classrooms, in all environments of the school 

*Clubs are going well - we can review next term with an SRC survey


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep- 10 well done Preps!!

1/2 - 9,  1/2- 8,   3/4-9,  3/4- 9,  5/6-10 (well done 5/6FA) 5/6-8


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

10, 10, 10, 8,8,8 10 - to all classes - keep up the terrific effort!!


Learning and events in our school this week:

  • Naplan Practice for years 3 and 5
  • Reading Buddies in Prep, making animals in science, tin man for SMART spelling
  • In 1/2 we are learning vowels and consonants, verbs and addition
  • In Maths we are using calculators to check our problems
  • In 3/4- writing persuasive texts, 3 little pigs narrative with a twist
  • Project Compassion stories
  • 5/6- narrative and art portraits- monochromatic technique, cyber safety
  • PE- throwing and running
  • FITCLUB is on every Thursday at 7.45 for everyone- Thanks to Mrs McLeary and the St Kevin’s boys
  • Art- learning about colours and lines
  • 5/6- Global citizenship ambassador Program- students will be announced next week!

What can we improve on this week:

Lots of fun in the sandpit by students- however the sand needs to stay in the sandpit and toys packed away neatly Remind all students that the sandpit is a lot of fun for everyone and we need to look after it and all the toys- everyone needs to keep it clean and pick up any rubbish around the area
Sports shed 

Please return all equipment to the sports shed as soon as you hear the bell!!


Climbing up the slide- juniors



School leaders and SRC will talk about this in their class meetings 

PBL will be discussed in each class meeting

Follow up on yard duty clean up for the week   Class to be responsible for yard - tidy up after snack


 More Lexile books in the 1000 range


SRC Representative ACTIONS for this week

Each week students from Prep to Year 6 are nominated by the school leaders and the SRC for demonstrating many positive behaviours to help make our school such a wonderful place to learn and play.

Students “catch” other students that are welcoming, kind,inclusive,  responsible, respectful  and keeping safe in our learning and play environments and many more examples that promote connection, pride and resilience of all.

We also follow the statements for our Positive behaviours for learning at Trinity and consistently promote our school values of Community, Excellence and Respect. 

Nomination slips can be put in the nomination box at the front of the office or given to Mrs Antonella by Thursday lunchtime. Certificates will be presented by the school leaders to students at Friday afternoon assembly.

Congratulations to all the students who will be “Caught Being Good!” this year!


Ignation Award for Community: Congratulations - Aiden J Year 3


Student Class Awards (From Assembly Last Week)

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep CM 




1 / 2 MB




1/2  RT



EsromFor helping another student with class routines and being a kind friend. 

1/ 2  UR


Amelia VFor writing creative and  wonderful stories!

3/4 MG



Angela HFor her interest and involvement in  the community and always supporting others 

3/4 TR



Hannah S


For writing a great narrative during writing time.

5/6  FA



Natalie D

Working hard to complete her tasks in class.


5/6 BOC



Andrew MAndrew, you are a quiet achiever who constantly strives to improve the quality of your work. You have a clear love for learning and you should be so proud of your efforts. We are so lucky to have you in our class!
Visual Arts - Ms Low

Raph Z 


For being focused and following instructions in Art. Well done Raph for creating a unique paper vase. 


Performing Arts- Ms StantonSophie G and Casey F (3/4MG)For working together to create the background of a scene that seamlessly connected characters, setting, and situation to the script.

Sport- Mrs Mcleary


Tarquin L

For making a good start in PE by communicating well and working cooperatively with his partner in Tennis.

Mandarin- Mr Su

Jordyn D - 1/2RT


For showing great concentration in the class and trying her best in learning the new words. 
Science- Mrs FoleyMaya GFor being able to identify a living thing and using the design/make process to create a wonderful butterfly! Well done Maya!