Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,

Thank you all for another wonderful week at Trinity. As I said at last week's whole school assembly on Friday, the weeks just seem to be flying past as each day is filled with busy learning and all the extra activities which occur at school. It has been great to see so many parents able to join us on Friday afternoons to share in the week's achievements, listen to our classes share their learning, watch birthdays celebrated and awards received. It really is a great way to end each week. 



Next week our Year 3 and Year 5 students will complete the NAPLAN tests in Literacy and Numeracy. Our teachers and school leaders have been preparing for the online tests to ensure all is place technically, to ensure these tests run smoothly. They have also been working with students so that they are familiar with the process and to ensure them that all they need to do is try their best on each test. Whilst for some children these tests may cause some stress, they are also an important part of their development and do help our children learn to manage these sorts of challenges.


School Fete

As each week passes we are moving closer to our School Fete so I hope the excitement is building and you are all spreading the word to friends and family. I cannot thank our fete committee enough for all the work they are doing behind the scenes to ensure this is a great success. I also know how great our community is at helping out when needed so thanks in advance for everything you are able to offer in the lead up and of course on the day. 


The Enhancing Catholic School Identity Survey (ECSI)

A big thank you to Mr Ru and his preparation and organisation of this year's ECSI surveys. I know these surveys can be challenging but we really appreciate the time and effort and encourage as many of our parents as possible to complete this survey. Mr Ru will give further details about how we can support you in his page in our newsletter. 


International Women's Day

International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when all women are recognised for their achievements. International Women’s Day was first born out of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America and across Europe.
Since those early days, International Women’s Day has grown in prominence and reach, touching women in every corner of the world. The growing international women’s movement has helped make International Women’s Day a central point for action, to build support for women’s rights and their full participation in the economy, politics, community and in everyday life.


Yesterday we thanked and celebrated all the amazing women on our staff at Trinity for the incredible work they do each day and the great role models they provide for all our chidren at Trinity. 



Living God, may the valiant women throughout the world raise our voices in global petition for your promise of fullness of life to be realised in our world, in our countries and in our lives.
May we always embrace equity for true equality and inclusion.                                     This we pray in your name.                                                                                                         Amen


Community Calendar - Keep up with our important dates!


Trinity Fete -  Save the Date! Saturday 1st April 2023

Vision: To create a fun and exciting event that draws in our surrounding community with the aim of building the profile of the school, increase enrolments and showcase the great work we do at Trinity. 


From the Fete Comittee

Trinity Parent and Friends







Bake Sale

Homebaked Goods Donation











Easter Raffle: April 6th 



Jenny Gill

President of Parent and Friends





Bake Stall Roster


Homebaked Goods Donation







Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
