Other Information

Welcoming New Members of the Team!
We have a new addition to our team, Lauren Barton, our new clerk.
Lauren has just commenced her first year of a Juris Doctor degree, following the completion of an Arts degree majoring in Criminology.
Lauren is looking forward to applying her legal knowledge and gaining experience in a legal practice. We welcome Lauren to FOI Solutions.
Monthly Training Sessions
FOI Solutions offers training sessions in privacy, FOI and other administrative law areas. At present all sessions are provided via videoconference, but we will be moving to hybrid sessions soon.
We are presently planning our sessions for the first half of 2023. Be sure to check in to our website training page from time to time to see what is on offer.
Upcoming Training Sessions: Privacy:
- 9 May - Privacy Refresher
- 16 May - Privacy - Internal Role
- 23 May - Privacy - External Role
Upcoming Training Sessions: Vic FOI:
- 27 April - Basic 1 FOI Training;
- 28 April - Basic 2 FOI Training;
- 10 May - Intermediate FOI Training: Exemptions 1
- 12 May - Intermediate FOI Training Exemptions 2
For more information or to book online, visit the training sessions page on our website.
If you have any suggestions for the type of session you would like us to present, please feel free to drop us a line: marketing@foisolutions.com.au
Question Time
Q: Is it true that the VCAT does not consider complaints about the thoroughness and diligence of searches?
A: Complaints about thoroughness and diligence of searches must be dealt with by the Information Commissioner and not the VCAT where the following criteria are met:
- The agency searched for documents (or was aware due to the nature of the request that no documents existed): and
- A decision was made that no documents exist or could be found; and
- Notice of that decision was communicated to the applicant
However, where an application for review of a decision taken to have been made to refuse access is validly before the VCAT, then the VCAT has jurisdiction to consider the thoroughness of an agency's searches as part of conducting the review. If you are unsure about this or would like to know more, please let us know and we can assist.
Q: Did you know that you can request a copy of the application for review of your agency's decision from the Information Commissioner?
A: Under s 49D of the FOI Act, an agency can request a copy of the application for review at any time during a review. After obtaining the applicant's consent, the Information Commissioner can provide a copy of the review application to the agency. This can occur at the request of the agency or on the Information Commissioner's own initiative. The power to provide your agency with a copy of the application for review is discretionary and you cannot obtain one of right.
We recommend that you seek a copy of the application for review on every occasion when review is sought from the Information Commissioner.