From the Head of Boarding 

Dear Boarding Community,


It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time flies in a school setting. The end of Term 1 and the April holidays are nearly upon us. A big thank you to the Boarding Community for supporting MEBS, especially parents/ carers, our Boarders, the Boarding Staff, and the College Principals.  Mount Erin has the rare privilege of caring for Boarding students who attend one of two Colleges whose academic and co-curricular programs are jam-packed - - two sports days, two swimming carnivals, Musical events, football, netball, cricket, TAFE, tutorials, camps, and retreats to name a few not to mention academic studies and for Year 12, HSC.  A busy 


Staff Update

We welcome Ms. Chloe Biasio to the role of Senior Girls Supervisor replacing Robin Bussenschutt who has been acting in this role whilst also being the Girls' Boarding Coordinator. 

We also welcome Mr. Michael McTaggart into the Boys' Coordinator role joining Robin.

The Coordinators are effectively the Head of Nagle House (Girls) and Rice House (Boys) respectively, that form Mount Erin Boarding.


New Boarding Structure 2023 

The Head of Boarding is accountable to the Director of Catholic Education, working in partnership with both boarding school principals, and reporting through the Management Committee.

Reporting to the Head of Boarding will be a Coordinator of Boarding-Girls and a Coordinator of Boarding-Boys.  The Coordinators of Girls' and Boys' Boarding will liaise with staff at MDCC and KCC in relation to student learning and well-being issues, general communications, and school activities and events at the Boarding House.

Reporting to the Coordinators of Girls' and Boys' Boarding will be the Boarding supervisors.  Leave on REACH will continue to be approved by the Supervisors but any requests and variations by email or phone would be made to the Coordinators who are contactable during the day and evening.   


The Coordinator role reports to the Head of Boarding and is the main contact regarding Boarding students during the day and after hours. They are also the main conduit between the two Colleges regarding Boarding student wellbeing and may deputize at times for the Head of Boarding.  Their new contact numbers can be seen below:

Coordinator Contact Numbers:


MEBS Boys Coordinator 

0477 867 769

MEBS Girls Coordinator 

0447 014 385  



End of Term 1

Thursday 6 April - Boarding Closes at 4.00 pm 

Friday 7 April -  Good Friday


Start of Term 2

Monday 24 April - Staff Day - NO CLASSES

Tuesday 25 April - ANZAC DAY

                                 - Sunday Night Boarders return

Wednesday 26 April - Boarding 8.00 am to 8.30 am - Boarders Bag Drop Only

                                        - School open - Classes begin

                                        - Boarding begins at 3.20 pm 


Food Survey

Mount Erin like all Boarding Houses faces the challenge of satisfying all in what is provided within nutritional food guidelines and budget.  



We farewell Year 12 student Ava Deluca who will become a Day student from the beginning of Term 2.  We wish Ava all the best for her HSC and the future.

We farewell Girls' Coordinator Robin Bussenschutt as takes up a  Director of Boarding role in Canberra.  The Boarding Captains presented Robin with flowers and a small gift following emotional and heartfelt words spoken. 








House Crest/ Shield Design

















The Boarders have been invited to design a crest for each Boarding House as a competition - a prize will be presented to the successful designer (s). The Boarding House Captains and the BRC presented this competition to House meetings in Week 6 and we have now received some really good entries which will be presented to the Boarders, staff, and Principals for judging. The winning design will be enhanced in preparation for being printed/ etched onto the metal crests to be placed at the entrance to each house.

MEBS Dining Room Update

During the April school holiday, the Dining Room will be painted in readiness for new bench and cupboard space.


MEBS Food Survey

The House Captains and the BRC Food Survey in collaboration with our Catering manager were sent out to students in Week 9.  The Coordinators and I will meet with our catering manager to discuss the feedback and we will share the results with the Boarding Community at the beginning of Term 2. Thank you to all of our Boarding students and families who took the time to provide positive feedback - much appreciated.


Have a happy and safe Easter.


John Bussenschutt I Head of Boarding