Yr. 6 Social Justice Team

 What does Lent and Easter teach us?


Eliza Abrahams - Palm Sunday


Palm Sunday is on the Sunday 2nd April.  It reminds us of when Jesus was travelling on a donkey to Jerusalem. When he got closer, the crowds noticed who he was and surrounded him and started to praise him. They called out “Hosanna, Hosanna, here is our King.” Here are some ideas that you can do to celebrate Palm Sunday:

  • Go to Mass - Palm Sunday marks a time of celebration about Jesus’ life.
  • Share a meal with your family and friends and tell stories of good times in your lives.


Madison Worm - Holy Thursday


Holy Thursday reminds us of the Last Supper when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. It reminds us that we are called to serve one another. Here are some ideas that you can do to celebrate Holy Thursday: 

  • Go to mass - the Holy Thursday Mass marks the beginning of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • Do something special for someone in need.
  • Share a meal with friends and family.


Bianca LoPiccolo - Good Friday


Good Friday reminds us when Jesus died on the cross. Good Friday is about Jesus sacrificing his life for us, to show us that he truly was the son of God. Jesus was Jewish and the Jews didn’t like that he was saying that he was the King. The Jews took Jesus to Pontius Pilot and asked for him to be punished but Pontius said no. He handed Jesus back to the Jews and so began the Passion and Crucifixion.

These are some ideas you can do to celebrate Good Friday:

  • Don’t eat meat as a sign of respect to Jesus.
  • Spend some time thinking about the sacrifice Jesus made for us in quiet prayer.