General Information

Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrated their birthday in Week's 9 and 10 of term:
Indie Lawson, Abigail Pietsch, Max Grob, Lane Grob, India Williamson, Mrs Baker, Mr Cameron and Mrs Little.
The change of school uniform from summer to winter or winter to summer is not always associated with the school term. Our uniform policy states that there will be a two week phase in period called by the school. We do this to cater for the change in seasons. During this time students are ask to be in full uniform either summer or winter, not a mixture of both. Students are able to wear either summer or winter uniform depending on the weather, until MONDAY 23rd October when all students will be required to wear full summer uniform. If you have any problem with your child wearing the uniform please contact the office as soon as possible to discuss the matter further.