Lions Club Singing

Well done to the group of keen singers who have been practising hard for their upcoming performance at the Lions Club Conference in October! 


On Thursday 31st August we hosted a Combined Schools Rehearsal for  all students who’ve been coming to practise on a regular basis as well as other schools in our local area.


The details so far are as follows:

What: Lions Club Conference 

When: Saturday 21st October 

Where: Glen Innes RSL Club

Who: Combined Schools of Glen Innes

Wear: School Uniform- Summer

Time: Arrive 8:40AM - sing at 9:00- should be finished by 9:45


We are aiming to sing the Australian National Anthem and I Am Australian. I am so proud of the students efforts so far and a big Thank you to families who are committed to this community event!


Shanny Core
