Key Dates

For your diary 

WednesdaysKinder & Stage 1 Library
ThursdaysStage 2 & 3 Library
 Little Joeys School Readiness
Friday 15thGala Day in Tamworth Stage 2 & 3 
Tuesday 19thKinder & Year 6 to Mulligan's Hut
Wednesday 20thNetball - North West Regional Finals Tamworth
Thursday 21stYear 12's last day of school- Congratulations to all our ex-students
Friday 22nd K & Year 2 to attend Parish Mass 9.30am
 Assembly hosted by Stage 3
 Pyjama day
 Last Day of term 3
Monday 9th OctTerm 4 starts

Dates for Term 4 - Week 1

Monday 9th OctoberStart of Term 4
Tuesday 10thP&F Meeting 2pm
Wednesday 11th to Friday 13thStage 3 Brisbane Excursion
Thursday 12thVisiting Author Cameron Stelzer
Friday 13th Polding Athletics
Monday 16thParish Mass to farewell Father Gleeson
Wednesday 18thFirst Reconciliation Parent Information session
Friday 20thStage 3 will attend Parish Mass at 9.30am
 Kinder will host assembly
Saturday 21stFirst Holy Communion 6.30pm