Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

With two weeks to go until the end of term, we still have over 30 children who are eligible for 100% Attendance Certificates. As I have stated many times, being present every day at school has an immeasurable effect on the improvement of academic and positive well-being outcomes. No surprise it builds a tangible connection to community and allows our strong team of skilful helpful adults to build upon the previous days and weeks of learning because we have relentless, unbroken continuity of engagement and challenge. While I empathize with the ‘tyranny of distance’ in country towns accessing medical and family appointments, learning is our mutual focus founded on regular attendance. 100% Attendance Certificates will be handed out on the last day of term - Friday 23 September.


The SRC has decided to run a Pyjama Day for a Gold Coin donation on the last day of term (it will make for some interesting photos at Assembly!?). Children are reminded that they must wear covered shoes and conservative clothing. No shoestring tops or ‘bellies’ please. All proceeds will go to Australian Catholic Missions.


Mr. Withers has returned to school after some well-deserved leave over the past 7 weeks. While he has been away we have been privileged to have Mrs Lockwood here from Tamworth as the Acting Assistant Principal. We thank her for her leadership and service to our community and wish her well in her future endeavours. Mrs Lockwood will finish up next Wednesday afternoon.


Please note that I will be absent on long service leave for the full duration of Week 9. Mr Withers and Mrs Lockwood will be available to discuss any pressing issues. I will return to work on Monday 18 September.


Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
