Sports Report

Regular physical activity is important for physical and mental wellbeing – for all of the family.

Many of the ways in which we are usually active – including organised sport – may not be available to us at this time.

For children and young people, this is particularly the case, as school and community sport are currently not available.

With many families spending most of their time at home, there are a range of ways to continue being active and practice your sporting skills.

Here is some information to support you and your children during this period:

How exercise can help during COVID-19 - VicHealth

Victorian sports are discovering new ways to play sport - Vicsport

#FindYour30 at home – Sport Australia

• A virtual PE class that kids can follow along with at home

Victorian sports are discovering new ways to play sport - Vicsport

• Following your national or state sporting association for tips eg Football Federation Australia's #PlayAtHomeChallenge, Netball Australia's NETFit Netball or Hockey Australia's  #HockeyAtHome