School News

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2021 

Kindergarten enrolments for 2021 are now open.  Unfortunately we have had to postpone our Starting School Open Morning.  We are hoping to hold this later in the year.


In the meantime if you would like an enrolment package, please contact the school office. 


If you have already collected an enrolment package for your Kindergarten 2021 child, please complete the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible so your enrolment interview can be scheduled. 


Please note, that until enrolment paperwork is received at the school office, we can not hold places for Kindergarten 2021.  Therefore, if you currently have a child at St Mary's and have a younger sibling starting Kinder next year, please let the school office know as soon as possible.

Canteen Re-Opens with Limited Menu

From Monday, 11 May our canteen will be open with a limited menu.  Please be aware that ALL orders must be completed on QkR! by 9.30am each morning.  There will be no over the counter sales at First Lunch and Second Lunch.  No CASH orders will be accepted. 

Please see below for the Menu:

School Uniform for Term 2

If you are returning to school next week, please wear your Sports Uniform with your Coloured House Shirts for the day you attend school.


House Groups can attend on the following days:

Monday - De La Salle (Blue)

Tuesday - Delaney (Green)

Wednesday - Merici (Red)

Thursday - Ursula (White)


Students of essential workers can wear their Yellow or Coloured Sports Shirt, but please wear the correct shirt on their specified day.

Plastic Lids

Lids 4 Kids are collecting certain lids and bread ties to be recycled and turned into prosthetic arms and limbs.  There is a collection box in the school front foyer. It will be collected at the end of each week. 


During the last two weeks we collected a total of 1,367 lids.  Well done everyone, let's keep it going!!

Whole School Assembly

Whole School Assemblies for this term are cancelled.   

Newsletter Contributions

Please email contributions for the next newsletter to by 5pm, Tuesday 19th May 2020.