Religious Education

Religious Education At Home

During this interesting time we have been asked to continue keep a focus on Religious Education.  This will be done through the PBL tasks assigned to students.  Some weeks the teachers will include activities with a Catholic Principle & Value focus, whilst other weeks the PBL grid will have a Religious Education focus.


Parents are the first teachers of their children, especially in the development of their faith through a close and loving relationship with God.   I encourage you to make the most of this 'enforced' family time to share your own relationship with God with your children, and model for them how they, too can be like you.  Nothing is more powerful for children than to experience prayer through and with their families.

Sacramental Program

We will keep you updated with information regarding the Sacramental program as the advice from the Government changes.  The Parish will provide updated plans as soon as things become clearer.