Classroom News - Year 6

A Great Start to PBL Grids in Year 6!

As you would all be familiar with (from Compass updates) we have transitioned to PBL Grids. This Project Based Learning is a great way for students to build skills, retrieve existing knowledge and build new knowledge through self-exploration and inquiry! And that is what the students of Year 6 have been doing!

Some quality work samples that have been shared include: 

- A rap explaining who Jesus is

- A slideshow detailing the '7 sayings of Jesus'

- A comic Strip of Jesus' Empty Tomb

- Drama freeze frames with students who are at school

Elizabeth Shepheard's Dome of the Rock.
Elizabeth Shepheard's Dome of the Rock.

Showing Student's Online Work

To celebrate and showcase the quality work that is being generated by your child, we are publishing this work in our Google Classroom under "Library of Published Work" (


We encourage you to peruse the online work as evidence that our students, your children are learning! You, as parents, should be very proud of the work that your students are completing given the current set of circumstances!

Helping you get your head around this 'PBL Grid' stuff

We can imagine that this has been quite a week for you all with the change in learning style from a timetable approach (synchronous approach) to a more flexible style of learning with choice (asynchronous approach) 

Firstly we encourage you to have a look at the material that was sent through Compass explaining the PBL (Project-Based Learning approach) by Mrs. Cain.

Secondly, ask your child to show you around our Google Classroom and feel free to view the videos that have been uploaded explaining the PBL Grids. This will allow you to be familiar with the process, the platform and the 'jargon' associated.

Lastly, please come along to our Parent Teacher Zoom which will be held on Thursday at 2 pm. Feel free to bring any questions that you may have. 

If you have not previously experienced a Zoom and are unsure about the process please be assured that:

- you can be in the Zoom meeting with your video and sound off

- you can write your questions in a chat section if you don't want to say it live 

- you can email us with the questions you have and we can answer the questions live in the Zoom

A pat on the back (virtually!)

Finally, we want to thank all of you for your continued and patience support in assisting us with sustaining learning at home.