Classroom News - Year 4

Online learning....

Yr 4 has been continuing their online learning in most cases with great enthusiasm.

Mr Norrie would like to thank all parents and students that are taking each learning online day in their stride as we all continue to run into our own struggles with Project Based Learning (PBL) 

Yr 4 have been looking at Journeys of Exploration throughout Term 1 which has been carried into their first PBL in Week 2 of Term 2. It has been great to see individuals excel by learning at their own pace and in their own style. 

In week 3 and 4 Yr 4 will continue their PBL style learning with differing topics relating to units of Term 1.

Mrs Ross and Mr Norrie hope that all Year 4 students and their families are staying safe and making the most of the situation we find ourselves in.