Administrator Update

Northlea is Proud to be an OPAL School
Newsletter Updates
The Administrator Update, Identity Months and The Dates to Remember sections have been updated with new information.
Stay Connected with Northlea
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @NorthleaTDSB. You can also check out our website at
Navratri is here, which calls for endless festivities! A nine-day long festival, celebrated by Hindus all over the world. The nine days are dedicated to Goddess Durga and her different incarnations. We recognize all educators & students celebrating in the TDSB.
Happy Navratri!
Rosh Hashanah 5780
Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year, is celebrated on the 1st and 2nd days of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, which means that it is celebrated on a different date in the fall - this year the holiday begins the evening of September 29 and ends the evening of October 1. To all those celebrating this tradition, may you have a good, sweet New Year - Shana Tova U’metuka.
Sensory Paths
You may have begun noticing some decals on the floors around the school. We are building on our commitment to meet students' sensory needs by creating sensory paths in different areas of the school. These pathways will give students the opportunity to move in different ways as they travel through the building. Why not give it a shot on Curriculum Night!
Toronto Police Service Community Safety Presentations
Our school resource officer, Mandeep Chahal, visited Northlea on Monday, September 23rd, 2019. He reviewed pedestrian and riding safety, safety strategies for being out and about in the community and he addressed online safety with students as well.
Home and School Distribution List
Home and School and the school administration work together to ensure that we share relevant, timely and accurate information with you. We invite you to follow the Home and School online sites.
Welcome Back BBQ - Thank You!
We hope everyone had a great time at the Welcome Back BBQ. The turnout was fantastic. Thank you to Natasha Kent and the team of volunteers and vendors who made the event such a success.
Thank you to the following vendors for donating their services:
1) Kintako Japanese Restaurant- provided Japanese food
2) TAC Sports - provided basketball entertainment in the gym
3) MakerKids - provided some fun STEM/ techy activities for kids
Thank you the team of volunteers:
Tina Moreau - Tickets
Barbara Boyd, Meera Shah, Fiona Whitby - Bake Sale
Ryan DeCastro - Cook
Claude Lukawesky - Watermelon Eating Contest
General volunteers ( food, set up, managing stations) - Allison Maselli / Arti Panday/ Alexis De Castro/Megan O’Connell/ Allison Millard/ Shelagh Cummins/ Shannon Chaplin
Jen Meyerhoffer- Treasurer
Kendra Dunlop - Chess
Mr Simms - First Lego Station
A big shout out to the amazing team of Northlea educators who joined in the fun and made sure every last hot dog and hamburger were served.
Last but not least, we share a giant debt of gratitude with our caretaking team. They were incredible!
Curriculum Night - Save the Date
Northlea's Curriculum Night will take place on the evening of Thursday, October 3rd, 2019.
Admin & Home and School Introduction (including a video introducing staff and celebrating September at Northlea) - South Gym
6:35 - 7:00
Kindergarten / Junior : Formal Presentation
Primary/Intermediate : Rotary Presentations
7:10 - 7:35
Primary/Intermediate : Formal Presentation
Kindergarten/Junior : Rotary Presentation
Primary = Grades 1-3
Junior = Grades 4-6
Intermediate = Grades 7 & 8
Curriculum Night is an opportunity to meet the staff and learn about programming.
Home and School Meeting
Please join us at our Home and School meeting on Wednesday, November 6th @ 6:30 PM.
Below please find our list of Home and School meetings for this school year:
- October 22nd - 8:45 AM - post bus departure - Discussion with parents who bus their children to Northlea hosted @ Thorncliffe Park School
- November 6th - 6:30 PM @ Northlea in the School Library
- November 8th - 9:00 AM @ Northlea in the School Library - ISP Program Parent Roundtable
- February 6th - 2:30 PM @ Northlea in the School Library
- April 6th - 8:35 AM @ Northlea in the School Library
- May - Date TBD - 6:30 PM @ Northlea in the School Library
- Annual General Meeting - Time TBD - Post or pre volunteer breakfast perhaps.
We are working to ensure that there are many parents able to participate in these discussions. You will notice that we are introducing a few new meeting times (8:35 am and 2:30 pm) and even certain thematic meetings. We hope this approach will open up new opportunities for parent perspectives to be shared.
French Immersion Bus Parent Breakfast @ Thorncliffe Park School
We invite parents who bus their children from outside of the Northlea catchment area (Maurice Cody and Thorncliffe Park) to join us for a meet and greet breakfast after the bus departs at approximately 8:45 am on Tuesday, October 22nd @ Thorncliffe Park School.
Parent Breakfast - ISP DD Program
We invite parents with children in our ISP DD program to join us for a discussion on Friday, November 8th at 9 am in the school library. We look forward to connecting with you and generating parent input for the program.
Tour For Humanity
We were very fortunate to have the Tour For Humanity from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies visit Northlea. Our students in Grades 5-8 participated. Northlea students learned about, "a variety of topics in Canadian history including the Residential Schools System and the systemic internment of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War. Following a review of the past, current issues including cyber bullying and modern-day examples of intolerance were examined and discussed." The bus will return soon and students in Grades 3 and 4 will have the opportunity to visit the bus to learn about Simon Wiesenthal's story and learn more about the heroes among us. This program is foundational for much of the learning we are doing at TDSB. On Monday, September 30th, we will continue our learning when we wear orange shirts in honour of Orange Shirt Day.
Orange Shirt Day
On Monday, Septembe 30, 2019, Northlea will join with schools across the country honouring the survivors of the residential school system. We will wear orange shirts as a symbol of commitment to each and every child reminding them that they matter and we cherish them.
Orange Shirt Day is an annual event established in 2013 to recognize the legacy of Canada’s Residential Schools for First Nations, Métis and Inuit families and communities. It is a show of support and acknowledgement regarding the damaging history of the Residential School system and its continuing impact on many First Nations, Métis and Inuit families today. Orange Shirt Day 2019 falls on Monday, September 30th. By wearing orange on that day, we have an opportunity to bring awareness to the history of Residential Schools and to stand up against other injustices that may impact our children/students. The phrase, “Every Child Matters” reminds us that children are so very important and integral to our communities—they are our future.
At Northlea, we are working hard to ensure that we bring the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada to life in learning across the curriculum. In November, we are fortunate to have been selected to host the giant Indigineous map from Canadian Geography to centre our land-based learning. You can learn more here:
Below is a picture of Ms. Sommers infusing learning about allyship into the music program. She is teaching about how Gord Downie used his platform as a musician to shine a light on the Chanie Wenjack story through the Secret Path album.
Congratulations to Ms. Roberts on becoming a grandmother. We also share best wishes with Mme Fixman who was just married. Lastly, a little brevity is always welcome and we did just that for Mrs. Keith's birthday this past week:
Terry Fox Walk, Run & Roll
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Terry Fox fundraising this year. We had a huge turnout for each of our events. Thank you to our staff team for their work on this important initiative. Donations are still being accepted at:
Labour Updates
On September 30th, CUPE will begin job action. The list of actions can be found here:
For more information, please review :
1. The letter shared by the TDSB with TDSB families:
2. The TDSB Labour Negotiations website:
Sheldon Outdoor Centre
Our Grade 6 students and staff had a blast at Sheldon. Mother Nature shared beautiful sunny days and our students brought their sunniest dispositions. It all came together in a fabulous week of outdoor learning.
Legislative Page Program
Each year approximately 150 young students from across Ontario are selected to participate in the Legislative Page Program. This unique educational experience open to all Ontario students enrolled in grades 7 or 8, provides an opportunity to experience the provincial legislature in action, and to learn about the history and traditions of the Legislative Assembly. Application are open - September 16th to November 15th for the Spring Parliamentary Session (February to June of the following year). For more information, please click here.
Pizza Lunches
The pizza lunch date for this school year are:
October 24
November 21
December 19
January 30
February 27
March 26
April 23
May 28
June 18
Leaside Block Party
This October, join Holland Bloorview for their second annual Leaside Block Party in support of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. The neighbourhood will be gathering together for fun activities, delicious eats, entertainment, local vendors, and plenty of ways to learn about Holland Bloorview!
Come celebrate this free block party showcasing the Leaside community & Holland Bloorview and help create a world of possibilities for kids with disabilities.
When: October 5, 2019 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM
Where: Trace Manes Park, 110 Rumsey Rd, East York, ON M4G 1S8
Grade 8-9 Parent Information Evening
Bianca Angheloni, our Elementary Itinerant Counselor, will lead an introduction to the “Beyond 8” program at a Grade 8 information evening at Northlea EMS on Thursday, October 24th in the South Gym from 6 to 7pm. It is highly recommended that all families of grade 8 children attend this very important meeting. Families of grade 7 children are also invited to attend. The session will provide information about: key dates, timelines, Secondary School programs and requirements, Secondary School Open House dates and times, Course Selection and much more. For those who are unable to attend, the presentation will be emailed to you the week of October 28.
Winter Concerts - Save the Date!
Grade 4, the Grade 5/6 Choir and the Grade 8 Honour Band will be performing at the two Winter Concerts on Wednesday, December 11th in the afternoon and the evening. (An update about Grade 3 will be provided at a later date.)
Grades 1 & 2 perform in the springtime and the Grade 7 Band will perform later in the year as well. Our Kindergarten students typically perform on site during an afternoon concert in December. More details on all of the above will be shared but for now, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 11th if you'd like to share in this Northlea event.
Kiss & Ride Program Update
Our Kiss and Ride program is going to begin on Tuesday, October 15th after the Thanksgiving long weekend. This program is an important part of our school safety plan and it relies on volunteers. For those with time at the start of the day, it is a very manageable commitment. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to date. Please also consider this email a formal request for more volunteers. We need to grow our roster of volunteers in order to keep this very valuable program up and running.!/showSignUp/5080f4da9af23abf49-knrfall
Cross Country
Forms and information can be found online on the Northlea school website and at the above links (
Parent Volunteers in the Library
With the amazing flow of students in the library, we are looking for a few parent volunteers who are willing to commit to one or two days a week, to help with shelving books throughout the school year. Please contact Ms. Ivancic by email at should you be willing to assist.
Visitor Policy
When you visit, please go to Door 2 and get buzzed in by an office staff member. Once you enter the building, please proceed to the main office to sign in at the office.
Visits to classes should be planned ahead of time so the teacher is aware of potential guests. If you have made previous arrangements to work in a classroom, please borrow a visitor's badge before you make your way to the classroom. We ask that you please coordinate classroom visits ahead of time with the teacher.
All volunteers need to have police reference checks completed before you are able to volunteer at Northlea. Please refer to the "Police Reference Checks" section for more information.
Police Reference Checks for Volunteers
Please submit either a money order or a certified cheque.
Amount: $20.00
Payable to: Toronto Police Services
2. ** Please collect a Police Reference Check form from the office.
3. Then return the completed form + payment to the Northlea office. Northlea office staff will submit the form and payment on your behalf.
4. Once you receive the CLEAR form at home (approximately 4-6 weeks) please resubmit to the office to clear in our system. **
Safety Tips
Please review the Streetproofing Tips found in the "Safety Tips" section of this newsletter.
Communication Between Home and School
Below are the main sources of information you can expect to access:
1. The Google Calendar - The Google calendar is linked to the Northlea website. On this Google Calendar, we will endeavor to include information that is relevant to the whole school such as Photo Day and, at times, major events for a specific age group such as overnight trips. Please familiarize yourself with this calendar as we use it often.
2. School-Wide Newsletter - The school administration will send a newsletter to the community twice a month. It will be mailed to you directly through your email address via our School Messenger program. These newsletters are also posted on the school website and we generally post them on our Twitter feed as well.
3. Twitter (@northleaTDSB) - We will use Twitter to highlight events and moments of interest. We'd love for you to share your summer pictures with the hashtag #NorthleaSummer and then also share your 1st day pictures at the hashtag #NorthleaFirstDay
4. Staff Communications - Staff members will share their individualized information sharing approaches with you at the start of the year.
5. The School Website - Our website- - will also contain updates. It contains information about both the school and the Home and School parent association. *On the bottom left hand corner of the website is a section that allows you to subscribe to the website. If you opt to sign up, you will receive updates to your email whenever the website is updated.
6. The Home and School Association Email List - Northlea's Home and School Association is a pivotal part of the Northlea school experience. We encourage all families to stay up to date and involved with H &SA. The #1 way to ensure you are informed is for you to consent to share your email and phone contact information. If you want to receive correspondences from the Home and School Association, please sign up at the start of the school year:
7. Northlea Co-Curricular Website. -Northlea is piloting a new link that will provide information to the community about various athletic and co-curricular opportunities that are being planned for the 2019/2020 school year. The website link is
Parking & Pedestrian Safety
We encourage everyone to consider participating in the “Walk A Block” initiative. While we know mornings are busy and there is a time crunch, a one block walk will disperse traffic and offers numerous valuable experiences for your child. Below are a few resources you may find useful in support of the “Walk A Block” program:
Legal Parking Options: Northlea Legal Street Parking Guide
Pedestrian Safety Guide from Parachute Canada - This guide shares best practices for pedestrian safety. They recommend that adults walk with their children to be role models.”
“Be a role model. Talk to your child about safe pedestrian practices while you walk. Over time, your frequent demonstrations will become ingrained in their approach to crossing roads.”
Pedestrian Safety Message To Parents - Toronto Public Health
WALK & ROLL: The optimal choice is to walk and roll with our kids whenever possible. Exercise, a couple minutes chatting together and no traffic hassles. Who can beat that?
PARK: If you can’t walk, there is plenty of legal parking available where you can park and be on the school property within minutes. Please observe the parking signs to help keep our students free from harm and teach them respect for the law. Legal Parking Options: Northlea Legal Street Parking Guide
RUMSEY PARKING LOT: A few friendly reminders about parking at the lot on Rumsey Road:
Pedestrians are asked to please use the walkway parallel to the lot rather than walking through the lot.
There is one spot reserved for people who need accessible parking. Please only park in this spot if you require accessible parking.
2 spots are reserved for TDSB at all times of day. Please refrain from parking in these spots even if they are empty.
There are only 3 first-come first-served spots available. These spots are designated for TDSB staff, visitors to Northlea and families from the Northlea Community Child Care (NCCC) and Northlea EMS. These three spots are intended to be short term parking.
Please ensure you back into the parking spots so you have strong visibility upon exiting.
The lot is not available between 8:30 am - 9:00 am, as you will not be able to enter or exit the lot during this time. Please plan to leave the lot before 8:30 or after 9:00 am.
Please do not park in the fire lane. Cars can only park in designated spots and not perpendicular to those spots.
The safety of all of the children who access NCCC and Northlea EMS is our top priority.
SUTHERLAND STAFF PARKING LOT - There are no designated parking spots for visitors in the larger parking lot at the back of the school. All spots have been assigned to Northlea staff.
Parents are not permitted to park in this lot for any reason during school hours.
Crossing Guards
There are 3 school crossing guard locations in close proximity to the school:
City_ID | Location |
There are two other locations that will be studied this Fall. The results will be available in Spring 2020:
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School Bus Transportation To & From Northlea
The Toronto Student Transportation Group (TSTG) has received an update from Stock Transportation that despite their best efforts, there continues to be a driver shortage now impacting 24 routes in Stock Transportation’s East, West and North Divisions. For questions, contact Toronto Student Transportation Group at 416-394-4BUS (416-394-4287) or e-mail Parents are also encouraged to check the delay portal for the latest information
Problems connecting with Student Transportation? TSTG has a temporary new phone line for the month of September to contact the call centre. You shouldn't get a busy signal using the new number at 647-790-3829.
Trustee Corner
Please visit Trustee Chernos Lin's website for updates about Ward 11:
You can also find the latest newsletter here:
Community Coffee Meetings . . . A Message from Trustee Chernos-Lin
"Community Coffee" meetings are informal gatherings where parents and constituents are invited for a round table-style discussion of information sharing, best practices and interesting conversation related to education in our ward. We often have superintendents and sometimes even principals who drop by, so these are fun and engaging events. These meetings are usually held at Longo's Leaside (93 Laird Drive), unless stated otherwise. I hope you can join us at one of upcoming dates below!
- November 12, 2019 at 9:15am
- January 15, 2020 at 9:15am
School Cash Online
We use an online payment system for school related items such as field trips. You can register at: .
School Year Calendar 2019-2020
The 2019-2020 school year at the TDSB begins on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 following the Labour Day long weekend. For more information about important dates and holidays for the upcoming school year, please refer to the 2019-20 School Year Calendar.