Year Five News

What a start to Year Five! 5AE, 5AJ and 5ET have been enjoying getting to know each other and settling in to our new space in the school. 


The Meadow playground has been a great place to take some brain breaks, which we have been learning are a really important part of helping us regulate our emotions. We are learning about the Zones of Regulation, which classify our emotions by colour. We have been checking in at the start of the day, and sometimes after lunch, so that we can be more aware of our own feelings and the feelings of others. 


Lots of time has been spent exploring what our school values of Integrity, Respect, Working Together, Valuing Diversity, and Fostering Growth mean to us. We can talk about them in language that makes sense to us, and find a way to include actions or words that show those values every day. 


We have been campaign managers, trying to convince each other who the BEST member of our class is (hint: we’re all amazing!). We made speeches that celebrated all of the things that made each of us unique by interviewing one another and writing a one-minute ‘elevator pitch’. We also made some brain blasts that showed all the things that make up our personalities. 


At the end of last week, we looked in to our character strengths; there are 24 of them! We have made some predictions about what our strengths and areas for growth might be and are excitedly awaiting our results. It will be great to know more about our own strengths and areas for growth, as well as those of our friends. We might even be able to help each other grow together!


We are grateful for the help and support of our families as we begin a big year ahead.