Library News


As well as all the books in our library, our students now have access to 15,000 virtual e-books and audio books.  This is a very exciting step for our students and our library.  We have been supporting all our students to transition to our new e-Library Collection through SORA: our digital audio listening and e-reader application  through visits to classes.  Our students now have this application on their Chromebooks and many have chosen to put the free app on their phones as well. 


A big thank you to our Religion teachers across the school for allowing us to work with them in recent weeks to update the students’ access to SORA.  We have now completed this task. If your child was away, they can watch this “How to Update your SORA access” video (4 mins) and update their access now.   If students need assistance, we remind them to visit the library staff to sort out any issues.  We hope students will enjoy having a book to read at all times especially during the holidays.



Bookface is a fun Library event.  The objective for participants is to replace your face with a book’s cover and snap a photo.  Here is a Bookface photo tip.  If the face on the book cover is the same size as your face, hold the book close.  If the picture is smaller than your face, hold the book father away.  Get friends to help you by holding the book, by taking the photo, or by posing with you.  This is a great challenge and participants have been having fun with this interesting way to enjoy a book with some great Bookfaces being created during library visits.

Book Review Bunting

Our library is looking very colourful at the moment.  It is adorned with many book reviews written on bunting.  Thanks to the work of the English staff and students for collaborating and sharing their opinions on some of our books.

Merry Christmas

Our library staff wish our students and their families a peaceful and Merry Christmas and a wonderful break.  We look forward to 2021 and to welcoming our students back for a year of friendship, joy and learning in the library.



Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian