Office Oracle 

Chinese redbuds on the Blackhall doorstep

A warm welcome to students and their families… we are looking forward to a great year at the secondary campus.

Judy O'Donnell

Secondary School Reception


Lunch orders: Classroom Cuisine

Our online lunch provider creates and delivers (to the front office) healthy and affordable school lunches. Available through the week, except Tuesdays, you can order online up until 8.30am on the day the lunch is required. A TWO COURSE lunch costs between $8.25 - $10.20 and a THREE COURSE lunch costs between $9.95 - $11.90.


Reminder: For students coming into Year 7 from Arlington and who are already registered with this service, parents will need to alter the delivery location to "Secondary" to avoid confusion.


Click the button below for more information, menus and details about how to order.

Instrumental Music program: ensembles 

Our ensembles commence next Monday 8 February, with the exception of Strings Attached which kicks off with Atilla Kuti this Friday. Here is the program for Term 1 and we encourage anyone who is interested to join in the fun. 



Pavement Choir

Location: Senior Music Room

Teacher: Michelle Berner

Standard: All welcome

Pavement Choir warming up this morning...
Pavement Choir warming up this morning...


Band Aid!                                                                       

Location: Senior Music Room

Teacher: Adrian Perger

Standard: All welcome


Adrian is wanting to hear from any singer songwriters who would like to have their music played by the band and get the chance to work with the band to develop their music. The plan is to have many students' songs developed, performed and recorded, in the hope of possibly creating a 2021 album. Please email if you are interested. 



Cello Ensemble

Location: Senior Music Room

Teacher: Karoline Kuti

Standard: Grade 6 AMEB 


FRIDAYS 7.45am

Strings Attached

Location: Senior Music Room

Teacher: Atilla Kuti

Standard: Grade 2 + AMEB or Suzuki


FRIDAYS 1.05pm

Guitar Nirvana

Location: Senior Music Room

Teacher: Oscar Poncell

Standard: All welcome

School photos 

Photos for the whole school will take place on Friday 26 February, commencing at 9am. There will not be a 'catch up' photo day this year so it is important that your child attends on this day. Individual student photos will automatically generate a student ID card; these are Public Transport Victoria (PTV) approved and are at no cost. 

Chess: a mind game that stimulates brain development

Chess Club for Term 1 resumes after school on 4 February at the Primary School, and an invitation has been extended to any secondary student who would like to join in. Lessons are run by International Master and Director of Chess Australia, Leonid Sandler. 

Next newsletter

The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on 17 February. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here.