Head of Campus

I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome all Preshil families, current and new, to the 2021 academic school year. As you are probably aware, I am now the Acting Head of Campus at Blackhall Kalimna and I am delighted to be back here working in this new role.
I have been at Preshil for over ten years and during this time have taken on various leadership roles, taught in both the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes here at Blackhall Kalimna and, more recently, the Primary Years Programme over at Arlington. While it is sad to leave behind the children, families and wonderful talented staff at the Primary School, I’m excited to be re-connecting with the 2021 Year 7 cohort (many of whom I taught last year), past students that I have taught, new students, the Secondary School staff and of course all the families. I am also looking forward to supporting the work of Natalie Jensen and Cressida Batterham-Wilson and helping strengthen the connection between the two campuses.
Timetable changes for 2021
You may have noted changes to our timetable. As opposed to a weekly timetable, this year we have moved to a 10 day timetable, the reason being that this allows more flexibility with schedules and the introduction of new subjects across the MYP and DP.
We are excited to be offering Japanese for Years 7 and 8 this year and we look forward to this additional language flourishing as the cohort progresses through their schooling.
School times
Timetables are now visible on Compass. Please note that school times have not changed. Start time is 8.50am for Years 7 – 10 and 9am for Years 11 – 12; the school day ends at 3.15pm, with the exception of some DP classes finishing at 4pm.
Homeroom | 8.50am - 9.00am |
Period 1 | 9.00am - 9.45am |
Period 2 | 9.45am - 10.30am |
Fruit | |
Period 3 | 10.50am - 11.35am |
Period 4 | 11.35am - 12.20pm |
Period 5 | 12.20pm - 1.05pm |
Lunch | |
Period 6 | 1.45pm - 2.30pm |
Period 7 | 2.30pm - 3.15pm |
Period 8 | 3.15pm - 4.00pm |
Preshil uses an online program called Compass School Manager to automate a number of administrative processes. Compass enables better communication with all members of the Preshil community and includes many different features, including the ability to:
- Enter approvals for absence or lateness
- Access your child's progress and semester reports
- Book your 3-way conferences (parent/teacher/student interviews)
- View up-to-date class and school attendance information
- Consent and pay for excursions and camps
- Communicate with teachers
- Update your registered email and mobile number
- Access information regarding upcoming events and news
- View your child’s timetable and the School calendar
Parents have their own unique username and password. These details should not be shared with your children as permission for absences can only be given by parents. Please remember that Compass does not take the place of all other communication and parents are always welcome and encouraged to contact the office staff, teachers, the Head of Campus and the Principal as the need arises.
If you have any issues or questions about gaining access to Compass please contact Judy O’Donnell at Reception on 9817 6135 or at judy.o’donnell@preshil.vic.edu.au
To access Compass, use the link here and enter your username and password.
Important dates
Important calendar events are invisible on Compass if you would like to start importing some dates into your personal calendars. While we hope that calendar dates are set in stone, there may be some circumstances in which events need to be amended or cancelled. Please check in regularly, and we will endeavour to communicate any changes to you well in advance.
Some upcoming dates to note in the first couple of weeks of Term 1 are:
Monday 8 February
Parent Information Evening
Years 7 & 8 @ 6pm – 7pm
Years 9 & 10 @ 7pm – 8pm
Wednesday 10 February
Parent Information Evening
Years 11 & 12 @ 6pm – 7pm
Monday 15 February – Friday 19 February
Years 7 - 12 Camp Week
Parent Information Evenings
All families are encouraged to attend their respective sessions. The Year Level Coordinators will be addressing all things related to administration, wellbeing and the teaching and learning programs. It is a great opportunity for you to meet the teaching staff and fire away any questions. There is never a silly question!
The Year Level Coordinators will be putting a call out for Parent Representatives. If this is something that interests you please let them (or me) know.
Camp week
All Years 7 - 12 students will be on camp from Monday 15 February to Friday 19 February. The events are visible on Compass for you to provide consent. The Years 7 & 8 cohort will be partaking in a ‘Melbourne Experience’ based camp, the Year 9s are off to Anglesea, Year 10s to Wollangarra and the Years 11 & 12 to the University of Melbourne. Camps are an essential part of our school program and all children are encouraged to attend. They offer students and teachers the opportunity to connect and establish relationships; also encourages children to step out of their comfort zone and develop a range of educational and socio-emotional skills. Please note that no alternative school-based program will be offered on campus for those students not attending.
I look forward to meeting and working with you all this year.
Victor Toufas
Acting Head of Campus