Student Support


Here we are at the end of another year and what a year 2020 has been! It has made us very aware that things can change - very quickly AND dramatically, at that.

It is important to give our children as many strategies to build their resilience in navigating difficult times. Knowing positive approaches to challenges can de-escalate and lessen the impact of a  situation. 

So when life throws up these challenges, try this self-talk strategy. The following are some simple phrases that just might take a little of the angst out of the situation. 

You might try:

  • using these yourself.
  • modelling them for your children (say it so they can hear you using this positive self-talk).
  • using them when guiding your child through a tricky situation.
  • encouraging your children to use these themselves.

The best time to teach and practise these phrases is when everyone is calm. So when you are relaxing on the couch with your children these holidays, take the time to highlight a recent situation when these phrases might have helped. Ask your child to imagine how the situation may have been different if they tried some positive self-talk. 

Each time we use a positive strategy, it helps to strengthen those resilient muscles!