French News 


Bonjour les amis, comment ça va? 


What a busy start of year it’s been, en français! 

Our new Foundation students have been very brave and excited to say their first words in French, thanks to AIM learning, they have been able to practice French rapidly and now are able to say:

- Greetings: “Bonjour” (Hello), “Je m’appelle” (My name is), “Au revoir” (Goodbye)

- Actions: “Assieds-toi” (Sit down), “Lève-toi” (Stand up!), “Ecoute!” (Listen!), “Regarde” (Look!), “Marche” (Walk), “Saute!” (Jump!), “Cours!” (Run!)

And bravo to all Year One students who helped their new friends settle in and understand French!

In maths we’ve played with the counters quite a lot: “classer” (sort), “compter” (count), "faire les algorithmes" (making patterns).

We are looking forward to have more fun in French!



-Rebecca, Elodie et Lorna.