Maths @ CSPS

Celebrating the Maths Learner

There are lots of things to celebrate in 2020.

2020 was not the year we all expected, but there have been many things to celebrate in Teaching and Learning of mathematics.

Students made great progress in online platforms like Mathletics and Essential Assessments. There is strong evidence of participation and learning growth across the school.

CSPS has embarked on a maths journey to improve mathematics knowledge and capabilities for student and teachers. This has stirred maths excitement across the school where teachers are excited to teach maths and students are excited to do maths problems.

Ongoing Assessment

Next year we will be embarking on ongoing assessment which means you will see more learning tasks coming home via COMPASS or Seesaw. This is to increase the learning communication between families, students and teachers. You will be able to see where your child is achieving in the area of Number and Algebra for mathematics on an ongoing basis throughout the year. This will replace the way we currently report to be more transparent with our community and more effective within our teaching and learning approach.

In our classrooms we are continually checking in with our students number fluency. This will be seen across the school in 2021.

Fabulous Maths Lessons

Year 2's are exploring maths concepts through problem-solving. Check out their latest problem; 

I went past my usual petrol station yesterday and petrol was $1.49 a litre but when I came to school the shop had petrol for $1.09! So I filled up my 70-litre tank. What is the difference in price between the two petrol stations? How much money would I save if I got 10 litres of petrol from the shop? How much money would I save if I filled up my whole tank from the shop?

Students engaged in the maths problem with curiosity and a "can-do" attitude. Working through the process of "thinking about it, talking about it, working on it, then proving it.

Celebrating Maths Awards

Well done to these students:


Emily M 5A


James B 1A

Zoey K 2B

Emily M 5A 

Caleb V W 4B