Facilities Updates 


Introducing our new Indigenous Garden

It is with great excitement that CSPS now boasts an indigenous garden. 

This garden is located at the top of the school (Pearcedale Road) behind the Hub.

This garden will be an important component of our Sustainability and Inquiry Learning in 2021. 


A huge thank you to Peppermint Ridge farms for sharing their knowledge and expertise and acquiring the plants for the creation of this garden. 


The funding for this planting project has been enabled through our Bush fire at Risk (BARR) grant which encourages the planting of fire retardant and indigenous plants. 

We are looking forward to the amazing learning experiences offered with both our existing Kitchen garden and our newly created Indigenous garden.  

Stay tuned for more exciting additions to our CSPS school landscape in 2021- maybe even the addition of a Wildlife corridor!

Watch this space!