Year One

Communicating with the Year One Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:

Laura Kelly (Class 1A)

Andrew McFarlane (Class 1B) 

Laura Kelly- Class 1A
Laura Kelly- Class 1A

End of Term One in Year One!


During our Term 1 Inquiry Unit, Health and Safety, students have explored the concepts of health, safety and wellbeing. They examined health messages to consider healthy decisions and behaviours. They also investigated actions that help make local places, their school and their classrooms healthy, safe and active places. Students described ways of making and keeping friends. They considered how actions and words can help or hurt others. They learned to recognise that conflict occurs and to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate ways to deal with conflict. Students also explored the type of acts often considered right and those often considered wrong and the reasons why they are considered so.

Harmony Day   


On Tuesday 22nd March, we celebrated Harmony Day. Students came to school dressed in colours/attire of a country/culture in which they had a personal interest or cultural link. The official colour of Harmony Day is orange and it was great to see some students celebrating Harmony Day by wearing orange.


On this day Year One students held meaningful discussions about Harmony Day and the importance of including everyone in our multicultural society. Students also completed Harmony Day lessons and activities. We were very lucky to have one of our parents speak with us about their own experiences of cultural diversity having grown in in South Africa! Students loved hearing about the different animals, money and languages spoken. 

The Year One Team would like to thank our wonderful parent community for a successful first term. We great appreciate all of the support shown towards us and the commitment each parent and guardian has for their child. We have loved getting to know our students and see them progress. We cannot wait for term two and working with you all again to see our beautiful students build upon all the fantastic achievements they have had so far. 


Please have and safe and happy holiday break. We look forward to seeing again, in term two. 

Tricky Words

Through the InitiaLit program a range of Tricky Words are taught. These words are referred to as Tricky Words as they cannot be spelled by sounding them out. Due to the nature of the program, the sets of Tricky Words get taught in groups of three and are taught during any given lesson. 


Please keep an eye on Compass for the posting of the most current set of Tricky Words that have been taught. You can assist your child at home by practice sky writing them. Each set of Tricky Words contains six words. We will expose the students to the words first at school and then post once the students are familiar with them. 

Take Home Readers

Every Monday, all Year One students will be given two InitiaLit Readers to take home and read nightly. Research has shown that the repeated reading and exposure of texts can boost student's confidence when reading and consolidate their reading skills. We urge families to read the InitiaLit readers daily to help support the learning that is happening within the classroom.


Readers will be given on a Monday and are required to be returned on Friday the same week.


If you can, please encourage your child to read other books too.


InitiaLit readers can also be accessed online. The login details are the same as last year. If you need your child's login details please email your child's classroom teacher. 

Brain Food 

The Year One students have had discussion around the importance of fuelling our bodies and brains with fresh fruit and vegetable when we have our daily brain break at 11:30 each day. Students know that during this 10 minute break we are to eat fresh fruit and fresh vegies only. 


Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes.  

* These times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg: swimming timetables) *





Session 3: Performing Arts

Session 4: Art


Session 3: Sport

Session 2: Japanese (Even Week)




Session 3: Art

Session 4: Performing Arts


Session 1: Japanese (Even Week)

Session 2: Sport