Their Care- Out of School Hours Care Program

Communicating with our team

Offering before-school, after-school, and holiday care for our community

Service Mobile Number: 0473 222 771


Coordinator: Courtney  

Overview of OSHC Facilities- the video above was filmed by one of our amazing students, and shows you the physical layout of our OSHC facility. 




We had such amazing incursions, excursion and in house activities. The children absolutely loved the excursion to Archie brothers in docklands. The dodgem cars were the children's favourite and it became difficult to take the children away from them at the end. 

 We also held some amazing incursions, the children were able to get up close and personal with some native animals, they especially loved the giant snake that was brought out at the end. This led to us watching some videos about animals and talking about what we could find in our own backyard. We also had a harry potter themed science incursion, the children loved practicing spells and making potions.


We engaged in a lot of art and craft activities, the children did painting with ice blocks to celebrate invasion day, and were able to design and paint their own aprons. the most exciting art and craft activity was making their own drink bottles, they found it engaging and exciting and used the drink bottles more then there own.


To finish off the holidays on an absolute high we went to ninja parc in bayswater and the children LOVED it we were climbing on walls doing the ropes course and running around like crazy.


This was such a fun filled exciting holiday program to be apart of, the children were all so amazing and full of life! and it was great to see some new and old faces around the service.

2022 BOOKINGS : 


As the year is back in full swing we do ask that you try and pre book all attendances due to our high growing numbers we need to allocate staff accordingly. if you have any questions about anything please don't hesitate to send through and email, phone call or pop in before and after school.