
Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, STEAM

Physical Education

Students have enjoyed physical education sessions developing their skills and building their fitness. They have worked together to complete relays and strategic games.


Students from grades 4-6 enjoyed their first interschool sport session versus Camelot Rise. The students displayed positive sportsmanship, resilience and team work.




Students have been enjoying exploring STEAM activities including observing the effect of heat on ice for the grade 3 and 4 classes.  

Creating and using criteria to classify objects as solids, liquids or gasses.  It was especially tricky to decide how to classify the ooblek!  

Preps have been thinking about how things move and played musical statues.  Grade 1 and 2 are investigating how different materials change.  Some changes are reversible while others are permanent.  




Performing Arts

Performing Arts classes for middle upper school have given students the opportunity to look at body percussion.  Students have been creative when making sounds using hands and feet.  We are excited to work in small groups to make a song using body percussion.