American Cemetery in Normandy

Bonjour à tous,


Comment allez-vous? How are you doing? 


Let’s start our ‘Tour de France’ of the regions with a good video clip that will tell you some interesting facts about today’s region, La Normandie (Normandy). You might already know that this region is famous for being the location of the D-Day landings, but did you know that Camembert cheese and Calvados were invented there? And that Joan of Arc was executed in Rouen at the age of 19? If you want to find out more about Normandy, click on the following video:

  • In class, most students have enjoyed playing ‘Le Jeu de l’Oie’, which is a fun way to revise some vocabulary learnt last year (Year 1), some facts about the Eiffel Tower and France (Years 2 and 3) or some facts about Paris (Year 4).
Le Jeu de l'Oie
Revising French articles
Learning fact about the Eiffel Tower
Le Jeu de l'Oie
Revising French articles
Learning fact about the Eiffel Tower


  • In Prep, the students were introduced to the Barbapapa family and have learnt three colours: JAUNE (yellow), BLEU (blue) and ROSE (pink).

    Here is the first episode of the Barbapapa series, in English. However, in class the Prep students only watch videos in French, to get used to the accent and to become familiar with simple words such as 'bonjour' or 'au revoir':


  • The older students (Years 4/5 and 5/6) have finished their map of France and have started writing some sentences in French to describe it. With this activity they learn new vocabulary and revise two grammar concepts: French articles ‘the’ and ‘some’ (le, la, les, du, de la, des) as well as the conjugation of verb ‘to be’.


Here is the French song of the week : ‘Dernier Metro’ (‘Last metro’) by Kendji Girac & Gims: 


Passez une bonne semaine (Have a lovely week) and I am looking forward to presenting the region where I come from, Brittany, in our next Newsletter. 

A bientôt,
