Leadership Report

Inclusive Education at Magill School

I feel very lucky to have landed a job at Magill School! My introduction to Magill has been highlighted by friendly welcoming staff, students and parents, efficient, established processes, well-maintained and designed environments, and a culture and climate of teamwork where diversity is highly valued and utilised to benefit all.


With responsibilities in the area of Inclusive Education, I will aim to continue the work towards enabling all students to participate equitably in learning experiences. 


Inclusive Education aims to eliminate barriers, enabling all students to participate in learning experiences and the learning environment with their same-aged peers. 


A Multi-tiered System of Support:


We will be using a tiered model to assist in meeting the requirements of all students.


The first tier involves all students in a class. Teachers are working collaboratively to ensure Quality Differentiated Teaching Practices are provided for all students: proactively planning varied approaches to what and how students learn. 


At Tier 2, adjustments may be necessary at times and at different levels. Adjustments are measures taken to 'level the playing field' by breaking down barriers to access and participation. 

Some students may require extra supports, at specific and intermittent times, for example, occasional Speech Pathology advice, support with behaviour issues or social interactions.


At Tier 3, a few students will need supports offered more frequently to overcome significant barriers. For example, alternative formats of tasks, regular support from specialists, regular assistance with personal care, social interactions, communication or behaviour.

At the extensive level, adjustments are provided regularly to overcome barriers. These can be highly individualised adjustments, alternative modes of communication, highly specialised assistive technology, intensive and individualised ongoing interventions or personal care assistance.


I look forward to working with the school community to maximise learning opportunities for all.


Kind regards,


Daniela Lawlor

Deputy Principal