Kitchen Garden Update

In the Garden

The past two weeks have been extremely productive in the garden. The Senior Students have been harvesting plums, tomatoes, zucchinis, cucamelons, gooseberries and apples.

A special thanks to Mrs O for the cucamelon and gooseberry seeds which have been a great success. 


The Junior Students have been busy watering, pruning and caring for the chickens. Red chilli, eggplant and basil seedlings were planted into one of the raised garden beds by the 5/6 students. Look out for the chickens roaming around the garden on a Wednesday! Please take care moving around the temporary fence next to the performing arts building and the one located in the centre of the kitchen garden. They are there to keep the chickens up one end of the garden. 


A special shout out to Cora, Jess, Max, and Wes for running the share table on a Wednesday afternoon. It has been wonderful to see the students taking home some fresh produce from the school garden to share with their families.

Newspapers Needed

If you have a collection of old newspapers you no longer want, we'd love them! Our garden team will put them to good use lining our compost bins to keep them cleaner, then they'll go into our main compost heaps to make lovely organic matter for growing our vegies.


Newspapers can be dropped off to the office.