Around the Classrooms


Our Foundation students have continued their fantastic efforts both in the classroom and yard. They are learning to say, read and write a range of phonemes such as /s/, /a/ and /t/ and have been enjoying activities that help them practice these skills. Students are also continuing to learn words used to describe families, even using Bluey to make connections to vocabulary such as cousins, aunty and uncle. Another highlight has been students’ participation in specialist subjects such as Science, Art and Performing Arts. Out in the yard, students have enjoyed exploring school equipment and including others in the games they play. We could not be prouder and cannot wait to see what the next few weeks hold!

Year 1 and 2

This fortnight in Maths, the students have been working on their counting strategies. Students have been practising counting to 100 in ones and tens as well as identifying any patterns that they can see. 


On Wednesday, the students got to practise their new-found skills in counting in an outdoor counting scavenger hunt! The students worked together to count how many water tanks, tires, cubby houses and drink taps TPS has around the grounds. Once every last tire was found, the students showed their results on a bar graph. It was great to see engaged students all working together to problem solve and achieve their goal!

Year 3 and 4 

Students in 3/4 have been focusing on Place Value in Maths. They have been looking at the value of each digit in a number and showing ways they can represent them. Students have been enjoying playing Mastermind in our maths warm up, focusing on reading numbers aloud and determining if they are odd numbers or even. They have been looking at a range of numbers and sorting them from smallest to largest or vice versa. Rolling a dice to make the smallest or largest number possible. Keep up the hard work 3/4s. 

Year 4, 5 and 6

The Grade 4/5/6 students have been working very hard on their Inquiry unit of Civics and Citizenship. During content knowledge time they have been expanding their vocabulary by being introduced to two new words daily. This is where they break the words down into their phonemes and graphemes by using their sound chart. Once they have done this they then go on to learn about the new word's etymology, definition and what it looks like when it is in a sentence. Some of the words that the students have been introduced to are democracy, representative, referendum, Judiciary, bill, constitution, and Federal, State and Local Governments.  


The students have also been looking closely at the different types of government that make up Australia and what they are responsible for. Students recently had to do an activity where they had to write all the responsibilities of each of the three types of governments in a section of a pyramid artefact. They really enjoyed making these!

Secondary School Open Days


Come and visit SHC for our 2022 Discovery Day event! The College will be hosting our Discovery Day on Friday 25 March 2022 to provide an opportunity for prospective families of Year 7 2023 to visit the school and experience learning in action at SHC. To discover more and book your spot, visit the College website at