Sentral - Parent Resources

Parent Help Guides

Sentral is our Learning Management Software and is used to publish reports and support communication between the school and families. The Sentral for Parents app allows you to monitor your child’s school journey simply and efficiently. You will find numerous smart features that help streamline communications with the school. Receive messages and notifications from teachers, report absences, provide permission for excursions and more. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play. 


To assist families to register and download the Sentral app, please refer to Registration for New Users Guide.


Once your registration is complete following the steps in your emailed letter, please download the app to your phone or mobile device. Should you have any issues with the registration process or accessing Sentral, please contact the office.

Sentral For Parents App User Guide

Please refer to the attached guide which explains the various features and functions of the Sentral app such as how to communicate absences, message your child's teacher and provide electronic permissions for excursions and special events.