Social and Ecological Justice

Ethically challenged: How we can make our Christmas shopping (or any shopping really) slavery-free and more sustainable

Our young SJC people are to be commended. 


30 of Year 8, Year 10, our 2022 Year 12 leaders, as well as members of the social and ecological justice teams committed to leading us to more ethical and sustainable habits, to change our minds, hearts and shopping behaviour!


ACRATH’s (Australian Catholic Religious Against the trafficking of Humans) conversation series this morning about slavery-free and sustaianble products, which our leaders attended remotely, kickstarted a lively discussion about ethical shopping choices, slavery-free and sustainable supply chains and products. 

Inspired by 

  • our six core values compassion, courage, hope, hospitality, justice and wonder;
  • the “Cry of the Poor, Cry of the Earth” (Pope Francis Laudato-Si, 2015);
  • the Universal Declaration of Human Rights prohibiting any form of slavery and forced labour;
  • the Scripture passage John 10:10: I have come that all may have life and have it to the full

Stay tuned for our awareness campaign around ethical shopping for the remainder of Term 4. In the meantime, why not check out Baptist World Aid Ethical Fashion Report 2021 and the Ethical Shopping Guide.


Thank you to Julie Pearson for providing morning tea, to Mr Scott for taking photos, to Mrs Westblade for co-facilitating our brainstorm and a special shoutout to Mrs Hogan for organising everything around our participation in the conversation.


Ruth Phillips

Sustainability Leader