Head of Campus 


Most of you will recall that plans were well underway with the Parent Representatives to host a Quiz Night back in May. We were ready to go and then in the blink of an eye, lockdowns were announced and restrictions were imposed on us once again. It is such a shame that this event could not occur and we look forward to the time when we can host events such as this, to bring us back together again. 

Amidst all the preparations, the Parent Representatives banded together to organise six hampers full of goodies that were going to be raffled on the evening of the Quiz Night. Yes, these hampers still exist and so instead of a raffle, the decision was made to enter ticket sale holders into a draw to win one of these hampers. All funds raised from the ticket sales will go towards what the Quiz Night was meant to raise funds for: Lighting and Sound equipment to support performances on-site. 


Prize winners were selected in the good old fashioned way; names were placed in a hat, according to the number of tickets purchased, and one of the Arlington children chose the lucky winners by drawing names out of the hat. So without further ado, the following lucky winners were drawn: 

  • Nicole Brasz
  • Justine Curtis
  • Melissa Hughes
  • Chris Mason
  • Natalie Toohey
  • Theofani Wilson-Brown




Thank you to all the companies who kindly donated vouchers and/or products to make up these hampers. 


A special thank you to all the families who kindly donated various bits and pieces for the Quiz Night and/or the hampers. Some donations from families included items such as pasta, wine, champagne, gin, cheese knives, a child friendly umbrella, a clock and a gardening set. All items donated were divided up evenly throughout the six hampers. Thank you to those Parent Representatives for coordinating this and putting these hampers together. Any other donations that were made will be held over for the next event that we organise.


Prize winners can collect their hampers from Arlington. Please call 9817 6135 or email Deb Wright: deb.wright@preshil.vic.edu.au

 at reception to arrange a time for collection.










  Victor Toufas

Acting Head of Campus
