Performing Arts

 In Performing Arts this term, our students are very excited to be back at school and working towards a performance of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr” on Monday, December 13th at 7.30pm. How this event is conducted will depend on the current health settings for Primary School students and school communities at the time. Important information about the planned event has been sent to all families via Compass. Please take the time to read details outlining the timeline for preparations and the ways our school plans to give the students a rewarding performance opportunity while adhering carefully to both Public Health guidelines and the Victorian Schools’ Operation guide.

The students have been very flexible and resilient in understanding that Covid safety restrictions sometimes make rehearsals look a little different than usual. For example, last week, our Preps and Year 1s couldn’t sing together –so they happily mimed, danced and created their own choreography. Next week, they’ll enjoy using some of our outdoor spaces as they sing and act together – socially distancing while still sharing the experience together. All year levels will start to pick up where we left off some twelve weeks ago, continuing to develop their Music, Dance and Drama skills through rehearsing class performance items. The Year 6 students have been given their after-school rehearsal schedules, costumes are being organised and props continue to be made! 

We also plan to have our wonderful Bush Band perform – to not only have us tapping our feet and admiring their skills with traditional bush instruments like the spoons, washboard, slap bass and lagerphone – but to also to wish our Warrandyte Community a very happy Christmas and holiday season.

I would love to hear from any families who would like to assist with the Production – whether it be helping classroom teachers with fitting and labelling costumes, washing costumes after the show or another area of expertise you may wish to share.



Kirsty Wolters