News from Nurse Jess

Staying safe and healthy

Dear families,


Welcome back to our final term for the year, not sure how that has happened! A few things I wanted to mention below.

  • In home vaccinations: Quite a few have taken up this option and I hope those that have received this in the home found it to be a beneficial and a suitable option for their family. If you are interested in taking up this option or finding out more about the service please contact me in Sickbay.
  • Hayfever season is well and truly upon us now so this is a reminder that if your child suffers from Hayfever to please discuss with your GP about an appropriate regime to manage symptoms. As you can understand symptoms of hayfever do overlap with symptoms of COVID-19 therefore if your child does suffer from hayfever we ask as per DET guidelines to provide documentation from your GP stating this. For example a hayfever management plan (please see attached)


Thank you again to the families who are keeping their children home when unwell. As you can imagine with rising case numbers we are all wanting to do our best to not only keep the students safe but ourselves also. Therefore I please ask that if your child is unwell at all please keep them home until they are symptom free and if appropriate get them tested. Even if your child is unwell with a regular cold I ask that they still remain home to ensure our staff and other students don’t become unwell and then have to get tested and isolate until a negative result. 


Thank you for your support in this. As always if there are any concerns please don't hesitate to contact me in sickbay.


Stay healthy & safe
