Relationships, Explicitness, Ability, Learning for Life.


morning circle
morning circle

Morning Circle creates a culture of inclusiveness and respect.  We provide a space that encourages students to participate and engage in their learning and to take an interest in others.  Morning Circle sessions provide an opportunity to share and communicate with others and to foster and develop respectful relationships.  


The Morning Circle session at Yarrabah aims to develop skills in thinking, listening, looking, responding, and concentration.  It also helps students to settle into their day by following a structure and routine that they are familiar with and enjoy.


How does Morning Circle at Yarrabah School look in action?

Duration of the Morning Circle depends on the student’s ability, stamina, and interest, 30 -50 minutes is the average time.  The interactive whiteboard is used in some classes to enhance engagement and to ensure students have access to the program.  However, the program can be run just as well with laminated visuals and concrete objects.  A mix of songs, videos and actions may also be used to pique interest and engage students.  



Morning Circle follows a similar structure throughout the school, content is targeted for specific interests, abilities, and age.  Most Morning Circle sessions at Yarrabah follow this order:

  • Rules for Morning Circle (eg, only one person speaks at a time)
  • Who is here today?
  • How am I feeling?
  • What day of the week, date and month is it?
  • How’s the Weather?
  • Today’s timetable?
  • School rule focus? (This term it is "I will be responsible".
  • Classes may choose to use this time to share some news, a favourite joke, or to choose a story or song to listen to as a class.
  • Older students may share what they are looking forward to or what their personal goal for the day is.