Yarrabah Yarns


Welcome to Term 4 Yarrabah Staff and Families.

We ask that all visitors to reception, please ensure that you scan the QR Code, wear your mask, use the supplied hand sanitiser, and socially distance. We are committed to minimising the risk of spreading Covid 19 and other illnesses, and we ask for and appreciate your cooperation. 





First day back of term 4 was filled with excitement, extreme weather and lots of hard work and learning.   

Feeding Gladys and Nugget
Running for shelter from the hailstorm
Finding out about our local minibeasts
Making alien art
Feeding Gladys and Nugget
Running for shelter from the hailstorm
Finding out about our local minibeasts
Making alien art


National Nutrition Week 11 to 17 October.

This year's theme is Try for 5.  How many vegetables are you eating a day?  The aim is to get more variety of veg in your day.  


Tips to encourage your kids to eat more vegetables.

1 Lead by example- Kids are more likely to try if they see you enjoying your veg.

2. Keep trying - It takes at least 10 exposures to a new taste for kids to get used to it.  Allow your child to just smell, touch and see the new food but do not force them to try before they are ready.  We all have foods we don't like!

3 Praise kids when they try something new.  Even if they end up not liking it.

4 Get your kids involved in preparing a meal.  They are more likely to be interested in eating what they have helped to make.  

5 Get the veg into meals other ways.  Some children (and adults) may never enjoy vegetables and while that can be difficult there are still ways to get vegies into a meal that is palatable.  Try grating veg into sauces like bolognese, make veg smoothies, or puree veg and add to soups.

6. Offer vegetables as snacks.  Carrot and celery sticks salsa made with tomoto and capsicum or guacamole with a handful of cornchips, and celery with nut or hummus spread and sultanas sprinkled on top.  


For more snack and recipe ideas visit Veg World and Try for 5 websites.