Assistant Principals' Reports

Libbi Posar and Adrian Hanson

Outdoor classroom - your ideas

As we return to back to onsite learning, we are looking at building a new outdoor learning space. Let us know where you think will be a good place for an outdoor classroom by voting on your Teams page.

Outdoor classroom design
Outdoor classroom design

New triple jump pit

Check out the new triple jump pit on the oval. This will be used for athletic trials and training in the future. 2021. Now is the perfect time to start training for the 2022 trials, can you hop step and jump into the record books?

New Triple jump pit
New Triple jump pit



Next time you drive past the school you may notice a new corridor of plants near the prep-2 playground. It is wonderful to see all of the new plants growing, some are starting to poke out from the tree guards. As we move into the warmer weather we want to care for these new plants as much as possible. Students who would like to adopt a plant can meet Mr Hanson before school and have their initials placed on the tree guard. 

Watering the plants at Roxburgh Park Primary School
Watering the plants at Roxburgh Park Primary School
Thanks to all the students have adopted so far, well done!

Looking After Your Child's Wellbeing

It can be hard to ask for help but it is important that your child knows that it is okay. Encourage help seeking in your child by: 

  • asking how things are going,
  • letting them know it’s okay if they are feeling sad or frustrated,
  • listening without judgement when they seek out your support,
  • providing your child with a range of information about where to get help if they need it.

You can access some online help at the follwing DET link

Looking After Your Child's Mental Health


Or the Helath Department link for parents



Staying safe online

Students are online for remote learning and no doubt spending additional time using technology to connect with friends, play games and watch videos. It is important that all students remain safe online and if something worries them, they need to tell someone. 


Tips to staying safe online: 

  • use the school platform Microsoft Teams to chat with school friends
  • share your learning with your parents, showing them the interactions you've had with other students and your teacher
  • keep the laptop or iPad in a common area so the screen is visible by others
  • have three adults you can talk to you if something is worrying you (teacher, parent)

If you are concerned about anything that has happened on Teams, please email the school and we will look into it.