Year 1 Report

Term 4 2021

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4! We hope all families had a restful break and were able to go outside in the sunshine when possible. All students have already made a fantastic start towards their online learning. The Grade One teachers are very eager and excited to get back into the classroom and resume onsite teaching and learning in the next week! 



In Numeracy, Grade One students have started to learn about chance and probability. They have learnt vocabulary such as: certain, impossible, will happen, won’t happen and may happen to describe the chance of events occurring in their lives. They made predictions and justified their reasoning when deciding the likelihood of an event. 

Students will begin learning about place value during remote learning and will consolidate their understanding through practical experiences when they return to school. They will learn to recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to 100. Concrete materials such as bundling sticks, tens frames, MAB blocks, number lines, 100s charts and place value charts will be used to support their understanding of 2-digit numbers. 

Students will revise telling o’clock and half past time on digital and analogue clocks. There will be opportunities for students to make the time and draw clocks to represent their understanding. Fractions will be taught in conjunction with time by linking fraction concepts to a clock face eg. half past is halfway around an analogue clock face and quarter past/to involves dividing the clock into quarters etc. Students will participate in collaborative learning experiences and be given time to practice the numeracy skills they learn.  


In Reading, Grade One students will be exploring the text structure and features of Fairy Tales! They will be reading a variety of traditional fairy tales in a range of text forms. Whilst continuing to learn online, students will have video links to watch and will then have a modelled text read to them. 

Throughout the unit, students will identify common settings in fairy tales, name and describe different characters in fairy tales and will identify the different problems and solutions found in fairy tales.  

Reading independently will continue to be focus for students. They will have time to practice using their individualised reading goals when reading for 15 minutes each day. Books chosen for independent reading will be found through Sunshine Online or Reading Eggs whilst working at home. Upon the return to working in the classroom, students will again practice choosing their 5 ‘Just Right’ books for the week and will continue with their Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check of their Oxford Words. Upon completion of the term, students will be participating in readers theatre.  


In Writing, Grade One students will be exposed to narrative mentor texts with a focus on Fairy Tales. Students will be working through the 5 stages of writing to plan/rehearse, draft revise, edit and publish a fairy tale. Students will begin by writing in the style of traditional fairy tales, recreating their favourite fairy tales and then moving on to creating their own fairy tales including characters, setting, problem and solution. 

Students will be immersed in rich demonstrations of writing through shared and interactive writing experiences. They will model their writing on their favourite fairy tale and use the same style of writing; including beginning their fairy tale with ‘Once upon a time’ and ending it with ‘happily ever after’, etc. Towards the end of the term, students will use the ideas from their favourite fairy tale (eg; characters, setting) to assist them in creating their own. Students will continue to be provided with opportunities to present their written work however they may choose through our ‘choice writing’ sessions each week. We are looking forward to reading all the wonderful and creative fairy tales the students will produce this term!


In Inquiry, Grade One students will be learning about the topic, ‘The World Around Us – Visiting Victoria’. The unit has begun whilst continuing to learn remotely by students creating a KWL chart about what they already know about the topic, what they would like to find out and then continue to add any new information about what they have learnt. 

Following on from this, students will be able to locate Australia on a world map, Victoria on a map of Australia and Melbourne on a map of Victoria. They will learn about the traditional owners of their local area and the connection that Aboriginal people have with place and country. Students will also be learning about special places to visit in Victoria and record their ideas in a Flip Grid presentation. They will develop an understanding of famous landmarks in Victoria, as well as identify the places that are of importance to them. Students will also use directional language to read maps and follow/give directions. The unit will conclude with students creating a model of a special place in Victoria. 


  • Online class check in starts at 9:30am and our masterclass is at 10:00am.

Please check Teams and the SENTRAL app for any additional information regarding return to onsite learning

  • School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:10pm
  • Students to bring fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
  • Students to bring their hats EVERYDAY. In Term 4, we have a No Hat, No Play policy to keep all students safe from the sun
  • Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes
  • Students choose 5 'Just Right' take home reader books at the start of the week to keep in their blue folder at school and red folder to take home
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence.

The Grade One Team 

Katherine Richardson, Emily Routley, Rosie Borg and Melissa Fitzpatrick.