Tournament of Minds

Congratulations to the 7SOS team who were awarded State Honours (second place) in the STEM section of the State Tournament of Minds Final in the first weekend of the holidays! 


Miss Siebert and I were so impressed with how hard the team worked throughout the last week of term to further develop their problem solving and teamwork skills to prepare for the final. The final was held over Zoom with each team member logging in from their home, a very difficult way to compete in a team based competition!


Congratulations to Felicity Bacon, Diya Bhengra, Elizabeth Buckley, Brooke Graham, Olivia Harding, Alethea Levy and Quinntesaa Sankar.


The College Chess team played off for second place in the Riverina Country Schools Chess Championship against Kooringal High School. Once again this game was played online, adding a level of difficulty for all players. The games were quite tactical and close with us winning the round with two wins, a draw and a loss. This means that our chess team achieved second place in the competition – the best result in College chess history!


Huge congratulations to our representative Chess players – Owen Ranby, Brandon Collins, Charlie Dore, Hudson Crofts, Teddy Leah, Jaiden Cherian and Jack Julian.


The ICAS examinations were postponed until this term due to lockdown. Parents have already paid for these examinations. 


The new dates are:


Year 7 - Thursday 21 October (Week 3)

Year 8 - Monday 18 October (Week 3)

Year 9 - Friday 22 October (Week 3)

Year 10 - Wednesday 20 October (Week 3)




Year 7 - Friday 12 November (Week 6)

Year 8 - Wednesday 3 November (Week 5)

Year 9 - Monday 1 November (Week 5)

Year 10 - Friday 5 November (Week 5) 



Year 7 - Wednesday 25th October (Week 4)

Year 8 - Wednesday 25th October (Week 4)

Year 9 - Wednesday 25th October (Week 4)

Year 10 - Tuesday 26th October (Week 4)

Mock Trial

The Mock Trial team achieved an impressive 5th place in the state at the conclusion of the round robin phase of the competition. This week they competed against Shore School for the first elimination round of the competition. Once again this was held over Zoom. We were the Prosecution and were arguing that the defendant did break into a former partner’s house and set it on fire. It was a very even match and the Shore School team were fantastic competition. Ultimately, our team lost by only 7 points. The team worked tirelessly in the lead up to this round, spending numerous lunch times practicing cross examination, examination in chief and honing their knowledge of the case under the guidance of Ms Lauren Kelly.


The team was composed of Simran Banga, Diya Bhengra, Isabel Brown (Barrister 1), Chelsea Burgess Hannan, Dionisa Gendy, Shreekha Goudicharla, Claire Heazlewood (Witness 2), Paige Jessop (Solicitor), Boston McLeod, Trang Nguyen (Witness 1), Kristy Sauw, Sarah Siddiqui (Barrister 2), Charlotte Wickson, Tayarni Woods, Karina Zhang (Magistrate’s Clerk) and Kadijana Zurbo.


We would like to congratulate the team on their success in this year’s Mock Trial Competition and thank Ms Kelly for all the time she has devoted to teaching and guiding the team through all their cases.






Kylie Woodgate | Head of SWANS