From The Counsellor’s Desk

Carpe Diem

Taking Things for Granted

COVID lockdowns, home-schooling, social distancing and the rest has shown me that we have been taking some things for granted. Like Counting Crows have said “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone?” As we come out of these crazy times and the states reopen (hopefully in time for Christmas) I don’t want us to forget the newfound appreciation that we should have for things that we previously took for granted. 


Then and Now

There was a time when you could walk into a shop and not sign in. In fact, if someone had suggested that signing into a supermarket was mandatory you would think that you had wandered into some fascist dictatorship or that the government was spying on everyone and tracking their every move.



There was a time when walking into a bank with a mask on would have found you in big trouble. You could have been thrown to the floor and arrested and fined. In fact, now you may be thrown to the floor and arrested and fined if you aren’t wearing a mask… well you could get fined at least.


There was a time when you could spot your friend across a crowded shopping centre, run over to them and give them a big hug. Now they will stop you from entering if there are too many people in the shop. If you see your friend, you may not recognise them under the mask and if you do, you will probably approach cautiously to make sure it's them before politely greeting them from 1.5 metres away. 


There was a time when you could plan a holiday and book ahead anywhere in the world that your finances could take you. Now it's not so simple. Things change so rapidly, there are very few flights out of the country, the Covid situation in the country would have to be assessed. And would you ever be able to come back?


Even the privilege of going to school has started to be appreciated. Some of us loved lockdown and being able to work from home but most of us now have a new appreciation for school. The teachers do a fantastic job. Teaching just a few compliant children at home is hard enough. Imagine a classroom full! Being able to sit with your friends every day and enjoy lunch together is a blessing you may not have even considered before.


Seize the Day

There is a lesson worth learning here. Every day there is so much to be thankful for. As life returns to “normal” it is encumbered upon us to seize the day. Take the opportunities that life presents you with. Thank God for what he has given you and enjoy it to the full. Work diligently at things that matter. Love the people that you share your life with. Be the person you were made to be today, for tomorrow you may be in lockdown. None of us know what the future holds. The best we can do is enjoy each unique moment and praise God for his abundant blessings.







Michael Lance | College Counsellor