Welcome back to school and Term 4. We have another busy term ahead of us here at the College. While we continue to operate under Level 3 restrictions, there are still many activities going on within the College.


One of the most important changes that has been made this term is to House Mentor groups. Due to restrictions, we have had to go to year-based groups as an interim measure. While this is a shift for our students it does provide for some great opportunities for student engagement in different year groups, and for us to target some important wellbeing initiatives.


This term, there are three broad foci in the wellbeing program. These include relationships, reflection and planning/goal setting. Each of these foci connect to develop important wellbeing skills in our students.


Our first initiative examines relationships and the skills required to develop strong connections. Given the extended lockdown, we have begun the term by allowing students to reconnect with their peers and their potentially new house mentor. Students will also examine respectful relationships and the skills required to be a positive contributor in any form or relationship. We felt that this was an important place for our students to start in order to reconnect them with each other and with the College. 


As the term continues the students will examine initiatives that are connected and intertwined. Reflection and planning require strong relationships so that our students have someone to reflect and plan with. I encourage you to speak to your child about their learning so that they can begin to build the skills of reflection.






Christopher Ingold | Head of Secondary School