Music Ensembles in Level 3 Restrictions

It’s a tricky time for the Performing Arts, with Level 3 restrictions preventing us from having mixed cohort ensemble rehearsals. This has made it very difficult for our Band, Stage Band and String Sinfonia to rehearse. The students and I are missing these hallmark ensemble rehearsals. Ensemble playing is one of the most important parts of music-learning. Ensembles nurture executive functions like attention, focus, impulse control and teamwork skills. From Week 4 onwards, we will run cohort only tutorials in separate rooms around the MAD Space during our scheduled Band, Stage Band and Sinfonia rehearsal times. Ensemble members are urged to keep an eye on Classroom, email and Compass to stay in touch with arrangements in this changing space.

Farewell to Year 12

Our Year 12 Music and Drama classes bid us farewell. Unfortunately for these students and for our College community, we were unable to experience the major works in live performance as we might have in other years. Fortunately for us, the HSC and IBDP music students made some outstanding video and audio recordings of their final performances and compositions.


Listen to some wonderful recordings of compositions and performances from Miles Martin and Liam Whiting here. Stay tuned for more recordings and videos from this talented cohort in the next newsletter!

Miles Martin - Battle

Liam Whiting - Untitled Feeling


Congratulations to Miles Martin, whose IBDP Music compositions so impressed recording engineer and radio presenter Grant Luhrs that Miles was invited to speak about his music on ABC Riverina last Saturday morning. Miles also had his compositions premiered on air.

Music Programs in 2022 - this week’s rollout

We are currently planning for many programs in 2022. In the next two weeks we are taking applications as follows:


Encore - our Stage 4 Gifted and Talented Music Program still has a few vacancies in Year 7 and in Year 8. Students in Encore have the opportunity to extend their musical talent and skill in a classroom setting with other students with similar talents and interests in music. Our Encore students thrive in a dynamic and lively music classroom environment, where specialist tutors provide masterclasses and tutorials, and students are nurtured in musical growth. 

Please contact me to discuss Encore for your child. 

Enrolment links are here:

Year 7 Encore 2022

Year 8 Encore 2022


Music Pathways - Year 8 Instrumental Continuers

This is a new program created for those students in the Year 7 Beginners Instrumental Program who wish to continue with their instrument in Year 8. Our Music Pathways program offers students the opportunity to access external specialist staff within music classroom time, allowing these students to access high level instrumental tuition at the same subsidised rate they enjoyed in Year 7. Information and enrolment links for this program will be sent to eligible students in coming weeks.


In the next newsletter, I will announce our new Junior and Middle School Band and String Group, and start dropping hints about our major performing arts event for 2022. It begins with m, and ends with l, and has 7 letters...







Clare Brassil | Director of Music Performance