Classroom News 

Library News

‘The Library is just waiting for all our students to pay another visit after their absence for such a long period of time! We missed you very much and welcome you all back to school! Whilst you were away we were very busy doing a Stocktake of the entire library of books we are so fortunate to have. Some of our students were very helpful assisting with this; Amelia, Michael, Areesh, Yianna, Sienna and Rahim. They were a wonderful help to Gerry during this enormous task, a big ‘thank you’ to them for their amazing efforts! Some of our dear mums have been covering more ‘Newly Purchased’ and exciting books to our Library! Liz has chosen some very exciting titles for you to choose from! You can find them in boxes on a table marked ‘NEW BOOKS’ when you next visit the Library. We hope you enjoy browsing through these ‘new reads’! So, ‘Welcome Back’ to our students, mums and dads, grandparents and friends of Sacred Heart Primary School, this term is going to be amazing with you all here again!




Prep - Year 1 Remote Learning


Prayers Written by our Prep and Year 1 Students 


Numeracy - Money, Create your own store  



Keeping Busy 

Brenton, Shamus and Sharlette
Brenton, Shamus and Sharlette

Year 2/3 Remote Learning

In our Social Meet today, I asked the students to pretend they were the warriors from Peter Pan. Then I asked them to find something in their house that they could use as a helmet and a shield. Roman came up with his bike helmet and a frying pan lid. Isabella had a plastic container for a helmet and a box for a shield. Zara had a frozen medal and a big feather. Veer was at his Dad's warehouse and managed to find a paper plate for his shield. I used a pizza pan for a shield and a plastic colander for a helmet. Denise Esposito


It is not long before we are back at school and this week, the Year 2/3 students were asked to write an imaginative text about being back to school, playing with their friends.


Lauren is playing with Jasmine who has short brown hair. The girls who have been friends since Year 1, are so excited about being back at school and they want to play ‘mums and dads’. 

Jasmine says I want to be mum, so Lauren decides to be the daughter. 

Lauren goes off and plays in the soft sandpit, that is where home is in the game. Jasmine (mum) is doing the chores, she is cooking dinner. It is going to be a very special dinner because it is chocolate ice cream. Lauren thinks that she has been soooo good, that mum should make her an ice cream dinner and mum agrees because she does make her an ice cream dinner with an ice cream smoothie. 

After dinner Jasmine and Lauren brush their teeth and go to bed. Mum reads a story about a little girl named Layla who is a superhero that saves the town. 

Lauren goes off to sleep and dreams about being rich. 

By Lauren


Me, Isabella and Aleisha are playing tag and we all look like we are all having fun and it sounds like all of us laughing in the sun because it’s been a long time since we last saw each other, and now I get to see them again.

 Me, Jacob, Harper, Isabella, Adam, Aleisha and Yianna were playing cops and robbers and we played and played until the last person was standing. We were all so tired, so we played the floor is lava and we all talked a lot because we missed each other a lot    

It sounded like all of us were giggling.

By Gail


On the first day of school my friends Aleisha, Isabella and Gail were playing the monkey bar challenge. In the monkey bar challenge there are two people on each side and there is also a Judge. The people on the other side have to do a trick to show to the Judge and the Judge will give them points. The person who has the most number of points that the Judge gives, starts. 

We can see kids running around and we can hear kids talking and screaming.

By Zara


It was the first day back at school. At lunchtime Harper, Jacob, Fortunato, Maxie and I played cops and robbers.

We were so excited to see each other and play with each other. Me and Fortunato were cops and Harper, Jacob and Maxie were the robbers. We were laughing and squealing as we played. When I caught Jacob I slipped on a purple and black smooth stone that turned the game into real life. The stone was magic! Suddenly, we got transported to the city and the robbers were real and the cops too! The robbers stole a huge red sparkly ruby! 

I found Maxie in the bank but he was hard to catch. But eventually I caught Maxie.

Only Harper was still on the run.

Fortunato caught Harper, she was hiding in a rubbish bin in a narrow lane holding the ruby.  

 We looked at the ruby and we were in the classroom. 

By Roman


I played zombie apocalypse with Fortunato, Maxie, and Roman. The game is played like this: we do rock paper scissors three times, the person who scores the least points is the zombie. It is similar to tag, but if the zombie tags someone both of them are it. 

Then I talked about the books I read in lock down.

Like I read in the DIARY OF A MINECRAFT ZOMBIE there are 14 parts, maybe you have read ½ parts of it.

I played on the Monkey Bars with Zara, Gail, Isabella, and Aleishar. 

I show them tricks, they show me tricks.

By Veer


Year 2/3 Narrative Writing 


          One morning, I got up, as usual, I wore my favourite dress, but I couldn't put it on! My clothes were stuck behind my back with something on my back. At the same time, I heard something drop off my desk, and heard a wind-like sound. Then I saw myself in the mirror, I realised I had grown wings! 

          I didn’t know what it would be like to have wings, so I went outside and tried to fly, but I couldn't. I called my friends over, and Zara said that people in fairytales have to focus on flying. So I focused on flying, and I flew! But it was scary flying, and it was like being on a helicopter without doors. Still cool, though. 

           Wings have uses too! Sometimes when my family and I are hot, I use my wings as a fan! 

           Suddenly, there was a loud noise. I didn't know where it was coming from. Then, I realised I was in a dream! It was 10:13 am, so I quickly went to the kitchen and had breakfast. I asked my mum why she didn't wake me up, and she said I was sleeping peacefully, so she didn't want to wake me up.

By Isabella


          If I had wings I would fly instead of walk. It would be a dream come true. Imagine you’re flying through the air, the wind in your hair, lovely sunshine in your face. Ahhh, just perfect!

          But!!! I would keep them a secret shhh. So every day when I go to school I would make them look like a school dress. Imagine that.

          They look furry with different shades of pink, purple and blue. They are perfect. They would look beautiful and I would never want to take them off and I say never never ever. Would you want to have wings like that? Because I would.

By Katelin


          Hello everyone, Last week we were talking about the adventure with Mr Smith. And today we have him with us, so stay on until the end to see my adventure. Just between you and me, this one was the best out of all of them. Ok, on to the adventure. 

          On Monday I woke up and I was getting ready but that was the problem. I have wings now, at first I thought it was all just a dream but it wasn’t. Then I called Mr Smith. We were having a sleepover at my friend Sunny's house, all her friends were there like me, Smith, Sunny and Hitch. Everyone was sleeping but not us so I called Smith, and he said what now? I told him what happened and he freaked out but just then he remembered that there was a wizard that could help. 

          But the problem is he lives everywhere. After 10 minutes he leaves for another place. But just then I had an idea. I asked if he had a watch, Smith said no, clock? Yes. So all we have to do is go to his home place. What? said Mr Smith. I will explain on the way. But he’s sooo far away. Should I remind you that we are going because of my WINGS!!! Ohhhhh of course, yeah, so can you fly? I don’t know yet but maybe. Ok then, try. I tried and I was flying and then I landed and we were flying to the wizard. The problem was I couldn’t see the wizard anywhere. But Mr Smith did and we asked the wizard for help and he did.

          Ok what do you have to do. First, have a seat, and tell me what happened. So I told the wizard what had happened and then he said, 'Go home, after about 2 or 3 minutes it will go away.’ But first do you want it to go away, you can fly. So I said………… Mr Smith said come on Pearl tell them. YES!!!! Who else has wings right. So I went home and told my friends the story but just then everyone had wings. So I said, not my problem.

By Aleisha

Year 5/6 Remote Learning 

Over the past fortnight or so we've been providing our students with the opportunity of sharing their emotions and their thinking THROUGH poetry! First they discovered the world of Haiku, a Japanese form of poetry that dates back a thousand years. The Haiku has three lines with a set number of syllables (5 - 7 - 5) for each line. Here are three examples of haiku poems from Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), considered the greatest haiku poet:


An old silent pond...

A frog jumps into the pond,

splash! Silence again.


Autumn moonlight-

a worm digs silently

into the chestnut.


In the twilight rain

these brilliant-hued hibiscus -

A lovely sunset


So our students had a go and were asked to write about three topics; Lockdown, Spring and their Own Choice.    Here are but a few...

lockdown say goodbye say hello to laughing kids on the school playgrounds
lockdown say goodbye say hello to laughing kids on the school playgrounds


I miss the world the 

Beautiful trees miss out-

Doors and scents of green! 



school in lockdown is                          

sad because I do not get

to see my good friends



the world outside viewed 

from a window, a world so big 

yet we’re locked away now.



Trees blowing outside

Sad I could not go outside

I miss the outside



I am stuck inside

My sister is annoying

Send help SOS!!



I really hate lockdown

It sucks, I can’t go outside

And I can’t see people



Lockdown sucks real bad

I stay in my hobbit hole 

I play with my cat



Studying from home,

Wishing I could think outside

The square of my house



stay at home boring

online school is a big mess

but I try my best



Lockdown hurts my head 

I lie down all day in bed 

Hoping it will end



Everyone indoors

Stuck online for the tenth time

Missed many great times



Without my close friends,

Lockdown makes me feel real trapped,

I repeat the day.



Stuck inside; so sad

Boredom has the best of me

The days feel the same.




Cherry blossoms bloom

In the nice breeze, birds chirping

Flowers grow, It's spring.



A branch sways slowly

As a child sings a sweet song

Gracefully it goes



The spring air blowing,

My eyes are going real dry,

The flowers blooming 



Spring it rains a lot 

Bees busy with the flowers

The sun is brighter



Vines grow my mind blown

Spring so bright weather so warm

It's time for less storms




We could help nature

But we have to embrace it 

Don't destroy it, help?



It ripples calmly.

Can be used for destruction,

But can be a gift.



Memories make us,

Us, but soon enough we'll be 

Just a memory. 



Tree leaves always fall 

and you can step on the leaves.

Always step on the leaves.



Snow falling outside,

Ice engulfing my window

A warm mug in hand



I love my family

We have fun and love each other

We are amazing



Autumn leaves falling

trees shaking all around me

Cold breeze around you



Sit in the sunlight, 

Run outside in the rain too

Your life needs balance



I like myself now

I really need myself now

to get through this thing

John D


Life is a long ride

Some people just want to hide

Others enjoy time



Wilson is my dog,

He is the cutest little dog,

I love him to bits.



He likes to play games 

He run towards the danger 

Fat black and white cat 



The breeze is on me 

The waves splash around my feet

A day at the beach



Hope you enjoyed reading them. Next week we'll share some CINQUAINS & SONNETS!!